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品名(英)Bottle cooler from the Louis XV service (seau à bouteille)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Vincennes Manufactory【1740 至 1756】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1754
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 7 7/8 × 10 3/8 × 7 13/16 英寸 (20 × 26.4 × 19.8 厘米)
介绍(中)这些酒瓶冷却器(另见1970.230.5)是为18世纪最著名的瓷器服务之一生产的八个冷却器之一。1751年,路易十五从文森斯工厂订购了晚餐和甜点服务,并于1753年至1755年间分三次交付,因为涉及的零件数量众多。这项服务包括许多新的形式,最值得注意的是,这是第一次将蓝色(天蓝色)用于服务。这种明亮的绿松石蓝是所有地面颜色中最昂贵的一种,在整个18世纪都很流行。实现任何地面颜色的均匀应用的技术困难在这些冷却器的bleu céleste的轻微斑点方面都很明显,但在提供这项服务几年后,工厂学会了克服这一障碍

许多为该服务制作的表格或模型在整个世纪都在生产中,因为每次订购服务时设计新表格或模型的成本高得令人望而却步。这种型号的酒瓶冷却器是由工厂造型车间主任Jean-Claude Duplessis设计的,他负责Vincennes及其位于Sèvres的后续工厂在1750年代生产的大部分形状。目前尚不清楚工厂里的哪些画家对这些精美的花朵小插曲负有责任,但这些小插曲反映了一家在生产这些冷却器时已经活跃了八年多的企业的非凡技能水平。
介绍(英)These wine-bottle coolers (see also 1970.230.5) are among the eight produced for one of the most famous porcelain services of the eighteenth century. The dinner and dessert service was ordered by Louis XV from the Vincennes factory in 1751, and it was delivered between 1753 and 1755, in three major installments because of the large number of pieces involved. The service included many new forms, and, most notably, it was the first time that the ground color bleu céleste (sky blue) was employed for a service. This brilliant turquoise blue was one of the most expensive of all ground colors to produce, and it remained popular throughout the eighteenth century. The technical difficulty in achieving a uniform application of any ground color is evident in the slightly mottled aspect of the bleu céleste of these coolers, but the factory learned to overcome this obstacle several years after this service was made.

Many of the forms, or models, made for the service remained in production throughout the century, as it was prohibitively expensive to design new ones each time a service was ordered. This model of wine-bottle cooler was designed by Jean-Claude Duplessis, director of the modeling workshop at the factory, who was responsible for the majority of the shapes produced at Vincennes and at its successor factory at Sèvres through the 1750s. It is not known which painters at the factory were responsible for the superb vignettes of flowers, but they reflect a remarkable level of skill for an enterprise that had been in active production for little more than eight years when these coolers were made.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。