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品名(英)Bust of a Roman
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作年份公元 1600 - 公元 1699
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 22 1/4 × 18 × 9 7/8 英寸 (56.5 × 45.7 × 25.1 厘米)

尽管安东尼努斯庇护像后来被安蒂科提升为著名作品,但目前半身像的作者和年代尚不清楚。在1939年Berwind系列的拍卖中,它被描述为Pietro Tacca,令人难以置信。它的起源于意大利北部,1967年与海姆画廊一起出售给Untermyer法官,之后进入大都会博物馆。大约在同一时间,Francesco Cessi提名获奖者兼雕塑家Giovanni da Cavino为作者,并将该主题确定为Cavino的赞助人之一,法学教授Marco Mantova Benavides。卡维诺作为雕塑家的作品仍然不为人知,塞西的提议最终也无法令人信服。詹姆斯·大卫·德雷珀(James David Draper)表示,1528年安蒂科去世后,这尊半身像属于北方艺术家的一代,并指出这尊半身象与雕塑家卢多维科·隆巴迪(Ludovico Lombardi)的半身像有相似之处,尤其是列支敦士登收藏的一尊皇帝半身像



介绍(英)This mysterious bust, with furrowed brow, receding hairline, and smoothly, even uncannily polished curls and facial hair, was once in the collection of Mme d’Yvon, along with Antico’s bust of Antoninus Pius (cat. 12). In the 1892 auction catalogue, the bust is described as portraying an old man, with gilding on the figure’s mantle,[1] and identified as sixteenth-century Italian. The nearly identical language used to describe Antico’s bust, as well as their consecutive placement in the sale listing, suggest the two busts were displayed together.[2]

Though the Antoninus Pius has since been elevated to a celebrated work by Antico, the author and dating of the present bust remain unclear. In the 1939 sale of the Berwind collection, it is described, implausibly, as by Pietro Tacca. Its origins were placed in northern Italy when it sold with the Heim Gallery in 1967 to Judge Untermyer, before entering The Met. Around the same time, Francesco Cessi put forth the medalist and sculptor Giovanni da Cavino as the author, and identified the subject as one of Cavino’s patrons, the law professor Marco Mantova Benavides. Cavino’s work as a sculptor remains unknown, and Cessi’s proposal is ultimately unconvincing. James David Draper suggested it belonged to the generation of northern artists after Antico’s death in 1528 and pointed to parallels between this bust and those by the sculptor Ludovico Lombardi, particularly a bust of an emperor in the Liechtenstein collection.

The range of potential authors and the lack of identifiable models lead to the conclusion that our bust is not a product of the mid-sixteenth century. Instead, it is likely a seventeenth-century pastiche meant to evoke ancient Roman portrait busts, with which it bears certain affinities, particularly of the third century A.D. Could it have been intended to be placed in dialogue with such ancient busts—or a work akin to the Antoninus Pius—in a Baroque palazzo? Our Roman was originally gilded and thus would have made a particularly resplendent pairing with Antico’s man.

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. Currently obscured by later coatings that may have darkened over time. R. Stone/TR, 2011.
2. A photo of the gallery containing the bust is reproduced in the sale catalogue between pp. 68 and 69. The bust is shown in the corner, next to a reduction of Bernini’s Apollo and Daphne. Only this one corner of the gallery is shown and it is unclear how the Antoninus Pius was installed.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。