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品名(英)Andiron with figure of Ceres (allegory of Peace) (one of a pair)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Girolamo Campagna【1549 至 1625】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1600 - 公元 1699
尺寸高: 33 英寸 (83.8 厘米)

这些模型来源于Girolamo Campagna的和平与战争大理石雕塑,位于威尼斯公爵宫四重奏门(Sala delle Quattro Porte of The Palazzo Ducale)的塞纳托门(Porta al-Senato)上方。[2] 这些青铜器以前被认为是雅各布·桑索维诺的,后来又被认为是亚历山德罗·维托里亚的,因为它们与J·皮尔庞特·摩根收藏的一对安迪隆相似。[3] 考虑到其系列化和高度成品化的质量,我们的小雕像应被视为受坎帕尼亚著名作品启发的铸件,而不是他工作室的直接产品,可能是17世纪制造的,也是强大的威尼斯青铜行业精致装饰产品的典型代表。[4]

(有关缩短参考文献的关键,请参阅大都会艺术博物馆艾伦、意大利文艺复兴和巴洛克青铜器中的参考书目。纽约:大都会艺术馆,2022年。)。见James David Draper,1987年11月2日信函,ESDA/of
2.见Johanna Hecht于1985年在ESDA/OF中的注释。关于大理石的讨论和插图,见P.Rossi 1968,第19、66页,第6页(作品年代约1589-90年);和Timofiewitsch 1972,第248–49页,第8号,请参阅。30-33岁(与五年前的他们约会)
3.摩根图书馆;博物馆,纽约,AZ154.1-.2。Planiscig 1921,第490页,将摩根收藏中的这对青铜器归于亚历山德罗·维托里亚,从未引用大都会博物馆的青铜器。目前尚不清楚Weihrauch 1956,第102页("p.Morgan,jetzt Metropo.-Muss.,New York")指的是摩根夫妇还是我们的。这两人在纽约的出现可能造成了混乱
介绍(英)These bronzes were formerly components of a larger pair of andirons subsequently turned into statuettes and mounted on marble plinths. Each andiron is comprised of two main pieces, the deity and the pedestal. The Allegory of Peace is a female figure standing on a shield and helmet and cradling a cornucopia of fruit in her right arm. In the companion Allegory of War, the figure, also female, wears a helmet and holds a spear and shield; a sphinx supports an escutcheon at her feet. Both pedestals are composed of a central urn-shaped stem decorated with four lion masks atop an octagonal base, with sides alternately straight and concave. Two amorini with outstretched arms flank the urn and support the base of the deity. Only the left arm of Peace was cast separately (a fragment of an unknown object remains in the left hand). The left leg of Peace is stamped with the number “1945,” an interesting detail that cannot refer to a date, since the bronze was acquired in 1914. It might be an inventory number of the sort that a nineteenth-century dealer would have used.[1]

The models derive from Girolamo Campagna’s marble sculptures of Peace and War above the Porta al Senato in the Sala delle Quattro Porte of the Palazzo Ducale, Venice.[2] The bronzes were formerly attributed to Jacopo Sansovino, then Alessandro Vittoria on the basis of their similarity to a pair of andirons in the collection of J. Pierpont Morgan also attributed to him.[3] Given their serial and highly finished quality, our statuettes should be considered casts inspired by Campagna’s well-known compositions, not direct products of his workshop but possibly of seventeenth-century manufacture, and typical of the refined decorative output of the robust Venetian bronze industry.[4]

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. See James David Draper, letter of November 2, 1987, ESDA/OF.
2. See notes by Johanna Hecht dated 1985 in ESDA/OF. For discussion and illustrations of the marbles, see P. Rossi 1968, pp. 19, 66, pl. 6 (dating the works ca. 1589–90); and Timofiewitsch 1972, pp. 248–49, no. 8, pls. 30–33 (dating them half a decade earlier).
3. Morgan Library & Museum, New York, AZ154.1–.2. Planiscig 1921, p. 490, attributed the pair in the Morgan collection to Alessandro Vittoria, never citing The Met bronzes. It is not clear if Weihrauch 1956, p. 102 (“P. Morgan, jetzt Metropo.-Mus., New York”), was referring to the Morgan pair or ours. The presence of both pairs in New York probably generated the confusion.
4. On the production of andirons in Renaissance Venice, see Motture 2003.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。