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品名(英)Stretcher from a console table from the Queen's bed chamber at Versailles
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Jules Degoullons【1671 至 1737】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1725 - 公元 1735
尺寸整体: 19 5/8 x 35 1/2英寸 (49.8 x 90.2厘米)
介绍(中)路易十四于1715年由当时只有五岁的曾孙路易十五(1710-1774)继任。在菲利普二世(1674年至1723年)担任摄政王的八年期间(复兴时期),宫廷迁回巴黎,但在1723年,当这位年轻的国王成年时,凡尔赛再次成为主要的王室住所。两年后,路易十五娶了波兰斯坦尼斯拉斯一世(1704-9年和1733-36年在位)的女儿玛丽·莱斯钦斯卡(1703-1768年在位),并将路易十四的王后玛丽·泰瑞泽(1638-1683年在位)在宫殿中的住所赐给了她。1729年9月,皇太子出生后,作为女王卧房翻新的一部分,雕塑家朱尔斯·德古隆、马蒂厄·勒古皮尔(活跃于1714-35年)和雅克·维尔贝克(1704-1771年)按照罗伯特·德·科特的设计为房间制作了一个新的墩玻璃和配套的控制台。这面镜子上有女王父亲的肖像,上面是波兰王冠,至今仍在房间里。1786年,玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie Antoinette)对卧室进行翻新时,这张配套的桌子被移走了。在1730年的一份详细备忘录中,雕塑家们如此精确地描述了他们的作品,以至于法国学者Pierre Verlet能够确定博物馆藏品中的一块碎片构成了桌子担架的一部分,这是唯一幸存下来的元素。1735年左右绘制的一幅画显示了女王卧室窗户墙的立面图,其中包括镜子和桌子的轮廓。这张异常宽阔的桌子由三条敞篷车腿支撑着。底座上仍然可以看到中心支腿的一部分,两端的榫头指示其他两支腿最初连接的位置。树叶、棕榈叶和花环的丰富雕刻装饰与上面镜子上的装饰相得益彰。对于雕刻的元素,艺术家们收取了850里弗的费用,其中350里弗用于人物构图,由四个孩子和两只缠绕在一起的海豚组成,这显然是指皇太子最近的出生。玛丽·莱斯钦斯卡站在这张桌子附近,甚至靠在桌子上,用她的拍摄对象吸引观众。
介绍(英)Louis XIV was succeeded in 1715 by his great-grandson Louis XV (1710–1774), then only five years old. During the eight years that Philippe II, due d'Orléans (1674–1723), served as regent (the Régence period), the court moved back to Paris, but in 1723, when the young king came of age, Versailles once again became the main royal residence. Two years later Louis XV married Marie Leszczynska (1703–1768), daughter of Stanislas I of Poland (r. 1704–9 and 1733–36), and she was given the quarters in the palace that had belonged to the queen consort of Louis XIV, Marie Thérèse (1638–1683). As part of the renovation of the queen's bed chamber after the birth of the dauphin in September 1729, a new pier glass and matching console table were made for the room by sculptors Jules Degoullons, Mathieu Legoupil (active 1714-35), and Jacques Verberckt (1704–1771) following Robert de Cotte's designs. The mirror, incorporating a portrait of the queen's father and surmounted by the Polish crown, is still in the room today. The matching table was removed in 1786 when the bedchamber was refurbished for Marie Antoinette. In a detailed memorandum of 1730 the sculptors described their work with such precision that French scholar Pierre Verlet was able to establish that a fragment in the Museum's collection formed part of the table's stretcher, the only element that appears to have survived. A drawing made about 1735 showing the elevation of the window wall in the queen's bedroom includes the mirror and the outline of the table. The unusually wide table was supported on three cabriolet legs. Part of the center leg is still visible on the plinth, and tenons on either end indicate where the other two legs were originally attached. The rich carved decoration of foliage, palm leaves, and floral garlands complemented the ornamentation on the mirror above. For the carved elements the artists charged 850 livres, 350 livres of which was for the figural composition, a group of four children and two entwined dolphins that clearly referred to the recent birth of the dauphin. Standing near this table or even leaning against it, Marie Leszczynska held audiences with her subjects.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。