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品名(英)Title and plate 1 depicting the cries (trades) of Rome, here including vendors of goldfish, Milanese swords, hats etc, from the 'Descrición de las artes que se llaman para los calles de la ciudad de Roma'
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Remondini【1650 至 1860】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1765 - 公元 1805
尺寸页: 9 5/8 × 15 1/16 英寸 (24.5 × 38.3 厘米) Plate (Top): 1 15/16 × 11 5/8 英寸 (5 × 29.5 厘米) Plate (Middle): 2 15/16 × 11 15/16 英寸 (7.5 × 30.3 厘米) Plate (Bottom): 2 3/4 × 12 英寸 (7 × 30.5 厘米)
介绍(中)这是由十七张三十五幅手绘版画组成的一组作品中的第一幅,这些版画描绘了罗马的危机(贸易)。该系列由雷蒙迪尼出版公司在巴西诺(意大利威尼托)为西班牙市场制作。第一张纸的标题是西班牙语,198个人物及其职业的描述是意大利语(罗马方言"Romancino"),沿着每个盘子的底部排列。这些数字是从克劳迪奥·杜切蒂出版的安布罗吉奥·布拉姆比拉1582年的版画中复制的:"Ritratto de quelli che vanno vendendo et lavorado per Roma con la nova agionta de tutti quelli che-nelle altre lacvano sin al present"。雷蒙迪尼小组压缩了不止一个系列的作品。板材编号为1至12(形成第一组),除几块板材外,还有一组板材未编号。第一组版画被列在1791年的雷蒙迪尼库存清单中(编号639):"Una pontada di 12 rami di francisina representative le diversity arti di Roma"

参见:Alberto Milano,"Colporteurs"。《公共图书馆》,米兰,美杜莎出版社,2015年,第26-31页和第15卷,第151-53页。

Maria Beatrice Sirolesi,"罗马的街头小贩。在雷蒙迪尼的版画中,17世纪的流浪商人带着好奇的回忆呐喊,罗马,Edizioni della Città,1994年。
介绍(英)This is the first of a group comprising seventeen sheets of thirty-five hand-coloured engravings depicting the cries (trades) of Rome. The series was produced in Bassano (Veneto, Italy) by the Remondini publishing firm for the Spanish market. The first sheet carries the title in Spanish, whereas the descriptions of each of the 198 figures and their occupations in Italian (Roman dialect ‘Romancino’), run along the bottom of each plate. The figures are copied from a 1582 engraving by Ambrogio Brambilla published by Claudio Duchetti: ‘Ritratto de quelli che vanno vendendo et lavorando per Roma con la nova agionta de tutti quelli che nelle altre mancavano sin al presente’. The Remondini group comprises more than one series of works. Plates are numbered 1 through 12 (forming the first group), and there is an additional group that, with the exception of a couple of sheets, are not numbered. The first group of prints is listed in the 1791 Remondini stocklist (no. 639): ‘Una pontada di 12 rami di francesina rappresentanti le differenti arti di Roma’.

See: Alberto Milano, ‘Colporteurs. I venditori di stampe e libri e il loro pubblico’, Milan, Edizioni Medusa, 2015, pp. 26–31 and cat.no. 15, pp. 151–53.  

Maria Beatrice Sirolesi, ‘I venditori ambulanti di Roma. I mercanti girovaghi del Seicento con le curiose grida de richiamo nelle incisioni del Remondini’, Rome, Edizioni della Città, 1994.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。