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品名(英)Letter in Kana Character
策展部门亚洲艺术Asian Art
创作者Myōe Kōben 明恵高弁【1173 至 1232】【日本人】
创作年份公元 1200 - 公元 1229
尺寸图像: 11 × 19 英寸 (27.9 × 48.2 厘米) 整体 with mounting: 42 11/16 × 19 3/4 英寸 (108.4 × 50.2 厘米) 整体 with knobs: 42 11/16 × 22 英寸 (108.4 × 55.9 厘米)
介绍(中)僧弥在镰仓时代初期成年,当时日本的政治和宗教结构正在发生变革,以宫廷为中心的政府正在向军事政府转变,由魅力领袖领导的新佛教教派将从平安时期蓬勃发展的净土宗中崛起。武僧弥(Monk Myōe)是这些精神领袖之一,他是一位敬业的日记作者和通讯员,他手中有20多封信幸存下来,包括这里的那封。有些,相当冗长,提供了对他的思想、关系和环境的揭示性见解。其他简短的注释,比如这里,如果没有更多的上下文,很难解释。由于这封信以前没有发表过,也没有被我的学者仔细审查过,而且被认为是一个新发现,因此对其内容仍有待进一步研究

镰仓初期,当我的时代活跃时,Hosshōji风格法性寺流) 书法在宫廷贵族和武士精英中蓬勃发展。与平安时期宫廷贵族的笔迹相比,这种风格大胆,有时甚至粗鲁。与此同时,博库西墨跡, 僧侣们(主要是仁济派)的笔触、独特的书法受到了重视,这既因为其打破规则的个性,也因为与著名牧师的个性有关。同样,其他佛教教派的精神领袖,如真然(净土宗的创始人Jōdo Shinshā)和日莲的独特画笔也受到了珍视,而弥耶的书法也同样受到追捧,并作为一位鼓舞人心的宗教人士的签名痕迹而被保存下来

Myōe,黑木氏武士家族的后裔,出生于木市有田(和歌山县)。九岁时,他失去了双亲,由叔叔Jōkaku和尚照顾上覚在京都高尾山上的静冈寺,他在叔叔的指导下开始了佛教培训。他成为奈良Tōdaiji克贡派的信徒,并在修道院中迅速晋升。他的佛教名字Kōben也为人所知高弁, 他接着发现了位于京都东干野的Kōzanji寺。退休的天皇高谷东八(Go Toba)、Kenreimon in(Taira no Tokuko)、KujōKanezane、Hō的Yasutoki和当时许多其他有权势的政治人物都接受了他的教导。作为一名瓦卡诗人和书法家,他也获得了人们的尊敬。人们最怀念他的梦日记(夢記), 他保存了近四十年的个人期刊,在大都会博物馆的收藏中有两个部分(2014.719.3和2014.719.4)。
介绍(英)Monk Myōe came of age at the outset of the Kamakura period, a time when Japan’s political and religious structures were undergoing transformational change—when a court-centered government was shifting to a military one, and new sects of Buddhism led by charismatic leaders would emerge from the Pure Land Buddhism that flourished during the Heian period. Monk Myōe emerged as one of these spiritual leaders and was a dedicated diarist and correspondent, and more than twenty letters in his hand survive, including the one here. Some, quite lengthy, provide revealing insights into his thoughts, relationships, and circumstances. Other brief notes, such as here are difficult to interpret without more context. Since this letter has not previously been published or scrutinized by Myōe scholars, and is considered a new discovery, further research remains to be carried out on its contents.

During the early Kamakura period, when Myōe was active, the Hosshōji style (Hosshōji-ryū 法性寺流) of calligraphy flourished among both court nobles and the warrior elite. This style was bold and sometimes even brash compared with elegant, graceful style associated with the handwriting of court nobles in the Heian period. At the same time, bokuseki 墨跡, the brusque, idiosyncratic calligraphy of monks, mainly of the Rinzai sect, came to be prized, both for its rule-breaking individuality, but also due to association with the personalities of famous prelates. Similarly the distinctive brush writing of spiritual leaders of other Buddhist sects such as Shinran (the founder of the Pure Land offshoot Jōdo Shinshū) and Nichiren was cherished, and Myōe’s calligraphy was similarly sought after and preserved as autograph traces of a inspiring religious personality.

Myōe, scion of a samurai family in the Heike lineage, was born in Arita, Kishū province (Wakayama prefecture). At age nine, he lost both parents and was placed in the care of his uncle, Monk Jōkaku上覚of Jingoji Temple on Mount Takao, Kyoto, and began Buddhist training under his uncle. He became an adherent of the Kegon sect at Tōdaiji in Nara and rose quickly in the monastic ranks. Also known by his Buddhist name Kōben 高弁, he went on to found of Kōzanji Temple in Togano’o, Kyoto. Retired Emperor Go-Toba, Kenreimon-in (Taira no Tokuko), Kujō Kanezane, Hōjō Yasutoki and many other powerful political figures of the day embraced his teachings. He also achieved esteem as a waka poet and calligrapher. He is best remembered for his Dream Diary (夢記), a personal journal he maintained for almost forty years, represented by two sections in The Met’s collection (2014.719.3 and 2014.719.4).
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。