这件法兰西长袍展现了与 18 世纪服饰最相关的轮廓。圆锥形上身和长方形裙子都是展示那个时代裁缝艺术的工具。裙子的装饰是自织物装饰和飞边装饰,暗示着打开的窗帘。上身的缎带在与矩形裙子相交时突出了其三角形形状。这种轮廓是通过使用撑杆和侧袋的基础实现的。尽管或也许是因为它的宏伟,这个剪影是一个讽刺的主题,就像十八世纪中叶一首歌曲中的诗句:"我无法比较这种新的城镇模式,/没有比这更像了,我知道他们会皱眉,/比一个颠倒的大猪桶;/大箍衬裙,怪物衬裙,弹跳箍衬裙,女仆。
This robe à la française shows the silhouette most associated with eighteenth-century dress. The conical bodice and the rectangular skirts both function as vehicles for the display of the dressmaker's art in that era. Decorating the skirts are self-fabric embellishments and fly fringe trim which suggest an opening curtain. The ribbons on the bodice serve to emphasize its triangular shape as it intersects with the rectangular skirts. This silhouette was made possible through the use of the underpinnings of stays and panniers. Despite or perhaps because of its grandiosity, this silhouette was a subject of satire, as in this verse from a mid-eighteenth-century song: "I cannot compare this new mode of the town,/ To nothing more like, tho' I know they will frown,/ Than to a large hog-tub, that's turned up-side down;/ Large hoop'd petticoats, monstrous petticoats, bouncing hoop'd petticoats, maids."