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入馆年号2019年,2019.24a, b
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Leonhard Kern【1588 至 1662】【德国人】
创作年份公元 1630 - 公元 1640
尺寸高 without pedestal, confirmed: 7 1/2 英寸 (19 厘米) 高 with pedestal, confirmed: 10 15/16 × 3 1/2 × 4 英寸 (27.8 × 8.9 × 10.2 厘米)
介绍(中)这个紧凑的小人物的冷静坚实的姿态、丰富的解剖表现和微妙的动作是莱昂哈德·克恩(Leonhard Kern,1588-1662 年)风格的特征,他从 1620 年开始专门雕刻小雕像,用于欧洲宫廷的艺术和奇珍室。这尊小雕像雕刻精美,头发和面部表情细节非常精确,一定是大师本人的亲笔签名作品。

这个小女孩的四肢缩短和躯干长是不成比例的侏儒症的典型特征。令人不安的是,在近代早期,快乐,无论是高还是低,都被所谓的"解剖学稀有"所占据,如侏儒、巨人、雌雄同体和双胞胎。它们可以被认为是美丽的。事实上,克恩对姿势的选择敏锐地展现了她五官的曲线优雅,木材的选择增强了他们的自然美感。没有比Kunstkammer更适合欣赏和享受奇特和美妙的早期现代空间了。也许比自然产生的奇迹更有价值的是熟练工匠对它们的逼真模仿。克恩对微型人物的微型表现的自然主义不是对生活的文字记录,是一种强调他的技术和创造技能的艺术创作。这个人物的坚固、细腻的小身体是一件双重大师级的 Kunstkammer 物品,其奇特的美感会让早期现代收藏家着迷,给他们留下深刻的印象,让他们感受到 Kern 的技巧,并激发他们的智力和娱乐性。

小雕像的品质通过其出处得到强调。这尊小雕像由奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克的朋友西奥多·达布林(Théodore Dablin)买下,一直与这位著名的巴黎收藏家在一起,直到他于 1861 年去世,当时部分藏品传给了他的教女,一部分遗赠给了卢浮宫。达布林对这个雕刻精美的女孩的收购标志着他成为克恩的早期鉴赏家,因为她的品质使她远远高于这位雕塑大师和他的工作室制作的许多其他幸存的儿童小雕像。
介绍(英)The calm solid stance, substantial anatomy representation, and subtle movement of this compact little figure are characteristic of styl of Leonhard Kern (1588-1662), who from 1620 onwards specialized in carving statuettes destined for the Kunst- and Wunderkammern, or cabinets of art and curiosities, at the courts of Europe. Finely carved with marvelously precise detail of hair and facial expression, this statuette must certainly be an autograph piece by the master himself.

This little girl’s shortened limbs and long torso are typical features of disproportionate dwarfism. It is disturbing to realize that during the early modern period, pleasure, both high and low, was taken in so-called “anatomical rarities” like dwarfs, giants, hermaphrodites, and twins. And they could be considered beautiful. Indeed, Kern’s choice of pose perceptively brings out the curving elegance of her features, the choice of wood enhancing their natural beauty. There was no early modern space better for the appreciation and enjoyment of the strange and wonderful than the Kunstkammer. Perhaps more valuable than marvels produced naturally were realistic imitations of them by the hand of skilled artisans. Not a literal record of life, the naturalism of Kern’s miniature representation of a miniature person is an artistic creation that emphasizes his technical and creative skills. A doubly virtuoso Kunstkammer object, the sturdy, delicate little body of this figure would have enchanted early modern collectors with its strange beauty, impressed upon them the magnitude of Kern’s skill, and stimulated both their intellect and amusement.

The statuette’s quality is underlined by its provenance. Bought by a friend of Honoré de Balzac, Théodore Dablin, the statuette remained with the famous Parisian collector until his death in 1861, when part of the collection was passed to his god-daughter and part bequeathed to the Louvre. Dablin’s acquisition of this exquisitely carved girl marks him out as an early connoisseur of Kern, since her quality ranks her far above many of the other surviving statuettes of children made by this master-sculptor and his workshop.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。