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品名(中)记录路易·D·尼姆施克(Louis D. Nimschke,1832-1904)雕刻枪支装饰的工作簿
品名(英)Workbook Recording the Engraved Firearms Ornament of Louis D. Nimschke (1832–1904)
策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作者Louis Daniel Nimschke【1825 至 1925】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1825 - 公元 1925
创作地区原产国: 美国, 纽约, 纽约(Country of Origin: United States, New York, New York)
分类书籍和手稿(Books & Manuscripts)
尺寸12 x 9 1/4 英寸 (30.5 x 23.5 厘米)
介绍(中)这本练习册由 19 世纪最有才华和最多产的枪械雕刻师之一路易斯·丹尼尔·尼姆施克(Louis Daniel Nimschke)编制,作为他自己的作品和其他艺术家设计灵感的记录。它包含数百个直接从他雕刻的枪支中提取的墨水印记(称为"拉动"),以及设计草图、华丽的邮票、文件和从 Nimschke 装饰的其他物体(如袖扣、皮带扣、手表和铭牌)中提取的墨水印记。虽然这本工作簿只保留了他作品的一小部分,但它几乎涵盖了他的整个职业生涯,从 1850 年左右到 1900 年左右,捕捉了他一生工作的广度和质量。它记录了他一些最著名的枪支的设计,并且由于Nimschke只是偶尔在他的作品上签名,它为识别他手中未签名的作品提供了宝贵的参考点。

工作簿组织良好。扉页上的索引列出了每张编号页的内容,并注明"标记为X的印模不是从L.D.N.版画中拍摄的。它包含来自各种制造商的拉动,包括柯尔特,温彻斯特,史密斯威森,雷明顿,马林,纽黑文武器公司,马斯顿,里德,摩尔,惠特尼,斯宾塞,弗罗因德,D. Fish,A. G. Genez和其他数十家。专辑中充满了迷人的细节,从动物场景和杰出人物的肖像,到爱国图案、幻想的野兽、徽章和武装冲突的景色,通常以流畅的叶子卷轴框架。


其起源可以追溯到Nimschke在德国图林根州泽拉的工业学校接受的培训,在那里他师从大师恩斯特·莫里茨(Ernst Moritz)。在那里,他还在古斯塔夫·恩斯特(Gustav Ernst)的指导下接受培训,古斯塔夫·恩斯特(Gustav Ernst)是一位杰出的讲师,负责发展许多德国最杰出的工业艺术家,这些艺术家像尼姆施克一样,在1840年代末至50年代继续定居美国,并创造了后来被称为"美国"风格的枪支雕刻。例如,著名的枪械雕刻师古斯塔夫·杨(Gustave Young,1827-1895 年)也是恩斯特的学生。尼姆施克对恩斯特颇具影响力的1850年版画书《Musterblätter enthaltend die anwendbarsten Jagdstücke u. Arabesken für Büchsenschäfter, Graveure》等的个人副本,也许比任何其他印刷资料都更能说明这些北欧移民的雕刻风格,也保存在武器和装甲部的收藏中(编号2002.233.1a-j)。

随着 1850 年代美国枪支生产日益工业化,寻求个性化机枪的客户转向像 Nimschke 这样的独立雕刻师来添加原始装饰。Nimschke在这个新的工匠阶层中脱颖而出,在温彻斯特和柯尔特等美国主要武器制造商开始为其客户提供有组织的,具有成本效益的工厂装饰选择之前,他就赢得了枪支雕刻师的声誉。他于1853年移民到美国,几乎整个成年生活都在纽约市工作。

介绍(英)This workbook was compiled by Louis Daniel Nimschke, one of the nineteenth century’s most talented and prolific firearms engravers, as a record of his own work and other artists’ designs that inspired him. It contains hundreds of inked impressions (called "pulls") taken directly from firearms he engraved, as well as design sketches, ornate postage stamps, documents, and inked impressions pulled from other objects Nimschke decorated, such as cufflinks, belt buckles, watches, and nameplates. Though the workbook preserves only a small fraction of his oeuvre, it spans almost his entire professional career, from around 1850 to around 1900, capturing the breadth and quality of his life’s work. It records the designs of some of his best-known firearms and, because Nimschke only occasionally signed his work, it provides valuable reference points for identifying unsigned pieces by his hand.

The workbook is well-organized. An index on the title page lists the contents of each numbered sheet and notes that "Impressions marked X not taken of L. D. N. Engravings." It contains pulls taken from a wide range of manufacturers, including Colt, Winchester, Smith & Wesson, Remington, Marlin, New Haven Arms Co., Marston, Reid, Moore, Whitney, Spencer, Freund, D. Fish, A. G. Genez, and dozens of others. Charming details abound in the album, from animal scenes and portraits of eminent individuals, to patriotic motifs, fanciful beasts, coats of arms, and views of armed skirmishes, usually framed in fluid, foliate scrollwork.

Nimschke’s firearms engraving style generally employed the use of neat, broadly-formed foliate scrollwork with rounded terminals accented with curved or straight hashmarks, against a punch-dot background on more expensive commissions, often surrounding blank panels and ribbands. Sometimes his designs incorporate animal figures, portrait heads, and sophisticated panel scenes.

The origins of this may be traced to Nimschke’s training at the Industrial School in Zella, Thuringia, Germany, where he studied under the master, Ernst Moritz. There he also trained under Gustav Ernst, a preeminent instructor responsible for the development of a number of Germany’s most distinguished industrial artists who, like Nimschke, would go on to settle in the U.S. in the late 1840s–50s and create what later became known as the "American" style of firearms engraving. The famous firearms engraver Gustave Young (1827–1895), for example, was also a pupil of Ernst. Nimschke’s personal copy of Ernst’s influential 1850 pattern book, Musterblätter enthaltend die anwendbarsten Jagdstücke u. Arabesken für Büchsenschäfter, Graveure etc., which perhaps more than any other printed source informed the engraving styles of these northern European immigrants, is also preserved in the collection of the Arms and Armor Department (acc. no. 2002.233.1a–j).

As the production of firearms became increasingly industrialized in the United States in the 1850s, customers seeking to personalize their machine-made guns turned to independent engravers like Nimschke to add original embellishment. Nimschke was preeminent among this new class of artisan, earning fame as a firearms engraver before major American arms manufacturers like Winchester and Colt began to offer organized, cost-effective factory embellishment options for their customers. He immigrated to the United States in 1853 and spent almost his entire adult life working in New York City.

In conjunction with Nimschke’s engraving tools, also preserved in The Met’s collection (acc. no. 2018.856.20a–jjj), the workbook offers an invaluable and unique window into the creative and technical processes of one of the most talented engravers of the nineteenth century.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。