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品名(英)Embroidered blanket
策展部门美国之翼The American Wing
创作者Polly Delano【1795 至 1864】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1815
创作地区制造于: 美国, 马萨诸塞州(Made in: United States, Massachusetts)
尺寸92 × 99 英寸 (233.7 × 251.5 厘米)
介绍(中)这种马萨诸塞州制造的刺绣毯子床罩展示了18世纪至19世纪初新英格兰床罩风格的转变。在18世纪,像MMA 13.207和33.122这样的厚绒床地毯是最受欢迎的羊毛床上用品。地毯一开始是一个毯子底座,就像这张一样,但毯子的表面完全被环形的缝合线覆盖,形成了地毯的一堆。在某种程度上,这种厚重的羊毛覆盖物的时尚改变了——也许更有效的加热方式——比如炉子而不是壁炉——使它们没有必要。然而,这款刺绣床罩的整体设计与床毯上常见的设计没有太大区别,床毯上的设计也以一束鲜花为中心,鲜花从一个双柄花盆中绽放,花盆周围环绕着一条宽阔的滚动花圈,就像这件作品一样


介绍(英)This Massachusetts-made embroidered blanket bedcover shows the transition in bedcovering styles in New England between the eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries. In the eighteenth century, heavy pile bed rugs such as MMA 13.207 and 33.122 were the favored type of wool bedcovering. Bed rugs began with a blanket base, just like this piece, but the blanket’s surface was completely covered with looped running stitches that made the pile of the rug. At some point, this fashion for such heavy wool coverings changed—perhaps more efficient heating like stoves instead of fireplaces made them not as necessary. However, the overall design of this embroidered bedcover is not that different from the designs commonly found on bed rugs, which also center on bouquet of flowers springing from a two handled pot surrounded by a wide scrolling floral border, like this piece.

The blanket bedcover is made with a black wool twill weave ground fabric. It is constructed of three vertical lengths of fabric that are seamed together, each measuring 28" wide. It is hand-embroidered with wool yarn in shades of blue, green, coral and white. The embroidered design is centered on a large pot of flowers and foliage. There is an embroidered inscription above the pot of flowers that reads: "Polly. Delano/ Dec 26th 1815". Moving out from the two-handled pot of flowers, there is a narrow scrolling border, a wide flowering vine border and a final border at the edge of the piece that features eight-pointed stars within a scallop design. The bedcover has two rounded corners at the bottom and is edged on three sides with a 6 ½ inch knotted border with a short fringe. A small area of the knotted border on the top right is a modern replacement—it was intentionally made in lighter colors to distinguish it from the original knotted border. The hand embroidery stitches include stem, satin, straight, and herringbone stitches and French knots. The knotted border is made from the same wool as the embroidery threads.

The presumed maker, Polly Delano (b. ca. 1795-1864) of Rochester, Plymouth County, MA married ship carpenter Jonathan Handy on December 17, 1815. Since the inscription on the bedcover dates it to December 26, 1815, it can be assumed that it was made to celebrate the wedding, either by Polly herself, or as a gift by friends or family members.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。