介绍(英) | One fragment shows, the helmet crest and part of the top of the head, forehead, and nose of a helmeted warrior to right with a round shield of a warrior to right; head, neck, and part of the upper torso of a helmeted warrior to left, with a round shield; in between the helmet crests, at the juncture of the neck and shoulder of the amphora, a band of tongues; a second fragment has the helmet crest, top of head, and nose of a helmeted warrior to right, driving the chariot; head of helmeted warrior to left, with short crest, and a feather? on the helmet; at the top right, part of the mane of a horse?; a third fragment depicts part of a shield seen in three-quarter view; head of a bearded warrior to left, with a Boeotian shield; above the head, start of handle root; a fourth fragment shows the buttocks and legs of warrior running to left, wearing a chiton, with a Boeotian shield; at the right, an unidentified object; a fifth fragment has the greaved legs of a warrior to right; part of the head, neck, and torso of a fallen warrior wearing a helmet and corselet; a sixth fragment has at the left, part of a frontal corselet, and part of the left arm of a warrior holding a shield; at the upper right, part of a round shield of a warrior to left; a seventh fragment shows the head and upper torso of a helmeted warrior wearing a corselet holding an unidentified object in his right hand; to the left and right of the warriors, head, unidentified objects; an eighth fragment has the heads and necks of two harnessed horses to right, and part of the mane and neck of a third horse to right; a ninth fragment, has the chests and legs of horses to right; a tenth fragment depicts the wheel, pole, and car of a cart?; two horse tails?; bent greaved leg of a warrior to right, wearing a chiton; an eleventh fragment has the greaved leg of a warrior to right and horse legs; an twelfth fragment shows part of the foot and part of a greaved calf of a warrior to right; part of a foot of a male to left; a thirteenth fragment depicts the bent greaved leg of a warrior to right; two greaved calves and feet; at the far right, part of a greaved calf of a warrior to right |