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品名(英)St. John the Baptist Preaching
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Gerrit Pietersz. Sweelink【1566 至 1612】【荷兰人】
创作年份公元 1593
尺寸页: 11 1/8 × 9 13/16 英寸 (28.2 × 25 厘米)
介绍(中)阿姆斯特丹画家和绘图员Gerrit Pietersz。,大约在1588年至1989年搬到哈勒姆,与科内利斯·科内利兹一起训练。,一位举止主义艺术家,他的作品对他产生了持久的影响。在哈勒姆期间,他制作了六幅版画,可以说是他最具创新性和最美丽的作品。尽管彼得斯。在哈勒姆期间,他被版画所吸引,与同时代的人不同,他避开了曼纳主义雕刻所特有的急剧膨胀和逐渐变细的线条,转而使用蚀刻。与Goltzius和他的学校Pietersz的雕刻作品的硬光辉形成鲜明对比她的蚀刻作品松散而丰富。这些台词似乎都有自己的生活,正如我们在《飞往埃及的休息》中看到的约瑟夫的胡须和头发卷曲,或者在《圣塞西莉亚演奏风琴》中看到圣塞西莉亚袖子的褶皱


除了选择蚀刻作为媒介,Gerrit PIetersz。"《施洗者圣约翰传道士》代表了礼仪主义美学。与十六世纪末十七世纪初的许多作品一样,布道的观众被置于前台,而圣人则处于中间位置。观众的目光首先注视着坐着的裸体男子和躺在他旁边的半裸女子的肌肉背部,而右边一位优雅的士兵站在他的肩上,拿着一支长矛,好像它什么都没有。圣约翰自己站在中间,被岩石的阴影遮住了,所以很难辨认出他的容貌。背景是圣约翰生平的早期场景,基督洗礼。约翰站在河岸上为跪着的基督涂油。在基督的头上是圣灵的小鸽子,还有一束光从天上射向他。博物馆还有一幅彼得斯的画。罗伯特·雷曼收藏(发票号175.1.86)中的这一主题,其日期稍晚

介绍(英)An Amsterdam painter and draftsman, Gerrit Pietersz., moved to Haarlem in about 1588-89, to train with Cornelis Cornelisz., a Mannerist artist whose work had a lasting influence on him. While in Haarlem, he made six prints that are arguably his most innovative and beautiful works. Although Pietrsz. was drawn to printmaking while in Haarlem, he, unlike his contemporaries, eschewed the sharp swelling and tapering lines characteristic of Mannerist engraving and turned to etching instead. In contrast to the hard brilliance of the engravings by Goltzius and his school, Pietersz.’s etchings are loose and exuberant. The lines seem almost to have a life of their own, as we can see in the looping curls of Joseph’s beard and hair in The Rest on the Flight into Egypt, or the bunched drapery of St. Cecilia’s sleeve in St. Cecilia Playing the Organ.

Printmaking was something of an experiment for Pietersz. He only executed six etchings during his entire career, five of which are dated 1593. All of his etchings are extremely rare, known only in a handful of impressions. The Met has four of his prints (one in a duplicate impression), more than any institution apart from the Albertina in Vienna and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

Apart from his choice of etching as his medium, Gerrit PIetersz.’s representation of St. John the Baptist Preaching typifies the Mannerist aesthetic. As in the case of many late sixteenth and early seventeenth century works, the audience for the sermon is placed in the foreground while the saint occupies a lesser position in the middle distance. The viewer’s eye fixes first on the muscular back of the seated nude man and the partially clothed woman lounging next to him, while to the right an elegant soldier stands holding a lance on his shoulder as if it weighed nothing. St. John himself stands in the middle ground obscured by the deep shadow of the rock so it is difficult to make out his features. In the background is an earlier scene from this life of St. John, the Baptism of Christ. John stands on the riverbank anointing the kneeling Christ. Above Christ’s head is the tiny dove of the Holy Ghost and a beam of light that streams down on him from heaven. The museum also has a drawing by Pietersz. of this subject in the Robert Lehman Collection (inv. no. 175.1.86), which is slightly later in date.

Of all the artist’s prints, this etching went through the most state changes, but it is still very rare.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。