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品名(中)[土星圣殿 - 名称前的状态],来自描绘(重建)罗马古代建筑的一系列版画
品名(英)[Templum Saturni - State before name], from a Series of Prints depicting (reconstructed) Buildings from Roman Antiquity
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Monogrammist G.A. & the Caltrop【1535 至 1535】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1530 - 公元 1550
尺寸Plate: 6 7/8 × 4 1/8 英寸 (17.5 × 10.4 厘米) plate edges are not straight. The height of the plate varies from 17.4 to 17.5厘米, the width varies from 17.3 to 17.4厘米.


这本印刷品来自该建筑名称被刻在铭牌上之前的一个州。Destailleur在他的专辑中将其命名为"Templum Jani"(印刷品下方的铭文)


这组版画是1926年作为相册的一部分购买的,但在1934年被博物馆拆散。这张专辑似乎是在17世纪编制的,尽管大多数印刷品都是16世纪的。印刷品的大部分集中在神话主题、文物和古代建筑上。这张专辑是建筑师Hippolyte Destailleur收藏的一部分,并于1895年在他的书籍和印刷品销售中售出。博物馆在G.Rapilly&;1926年拍摄。目前尚不清楚这本相册同时存放在何处,在此期间还取出了几张照片。博物馆的编号并不反映原始相册的顺序,但Destailleur的编号系统保留在单独的纸张上,以便重建其原始内容。
介绍(英)Perspectival depiction of the left part of a temple, referred to as the ‘Templum Saturni’ in a later state. The building is characterized by its central plan, placed on a two-stepped podium that follows the contour of the floorplan. The main body of the building is circular in shape, with an avant-corps on the front and left side marked by semi-circular absidioles on the ground floor level and a portico with a pediment on the second floor. The building is crowned by a cupola supported by a double drum and a pointed tip.

The print is part of a group of architectural prints depicting buildings from Roman Antiquity, ranging from triumphal arches to bath houses, temples and palaces in Italy, France and Spain. Some of the buildings have been artificially reconstructed based on Medieval descriptions, while others are depicted in their ruinous states. The plates are known in several (uncatalogued) states, and have undergone minor changes over time. Several titles of buildings have been changed, and the plates have been cropped as a result of plate cracks and oxidation.

This copy of the print is from a state before the name of the building had been inscribed in the plate. Destailleur identified it in his album as the 'Templum Jani' [in an inscription below the print].

Most copper plates for this series have been engraved on both sides. This print is printed from the same plate as the 'Templum Isaiae Prophetaei'.

This group of prints was purchased as part of an an album in 1926, but taken apart by the Museum in 1934. The album appears to have been compiled in the 17th century, although the majority of prints date from the 16th century. The larger part of the prints is focused on mythological subjects and objects and architecture from Antiquity. The album was part of the collection of the architect Hippolyte Destailleur and was sold in the sale of his books and prints in 1895. The Museum acquired the album at G. Rapilly & Fils in 1926. Where the album had been kept in the mean time is unclear and several prints were taken out in this period. The museum's numbering does not reflect the order of the original album, but Destailleur's numbering system is retained on the inidividual sheets, allowing for the reconstruction of its original content.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。