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品名(英)Parure of diadem, brooch and necklace with lapis lazuli and enamel
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Alexis Falize【1811 至 1898】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1825 - 公元 1875
尺寸页: 8 1/16 × 7 1/16 英寸 (20.5 × 17.9 厘米) Album: 14 3/16 英寸 × 11 英寸 × 9/16 英寸 (36 × 28 × 1.5 厘米)
介绍(中)由法国珠宝商亚历克西斯·法利兹(Alexis Falize)在第二帝国创作的带有青金石和珐琅的王冠、胸针和项链的设计图案。这三种设计均采用圆形圆形宝石制成的圆形宝石,由带有矩形白色珐琅的金色圆形宝石构成,可能是为了模拟长方形切割钻石或明亮式钻石而制作的。王冠由三个圆形图案组成,由金色滚动图案组成的心形图案隔开,在一条圆形明亮式或钻石条上,由两条金条框住。胸针的设计由其中一个圆形组成,框在交错的滚动图案中,由黄金和半抽象的鸢尾花图案制成,也由黄金制成,并装饰有白色珐琅。从这个中央框架悬挂着两个带有白色珐琅水平条纹的金金字塔,底部是一颗圆形青金石,还有一条金色的圆形珠子,上面有一个较小的圆形珠子,上面挂着另一个带有白色珐琅水平条纹的金色金字塔,底部有一颗圆形青金石。项链由五个不同大小的圆环组成,最大的一个在中间,由形成心形图案和花朵的金色卷轴隔开,以及悬挂在金色滚动图案下的圆形明亮式或钻石条。这些设计揭示了法国第二帝国的风格,其灵感来自希腊和罗马古代以及地中海文化,并以半宝石(如绿松石和青金石)以及珐琅和黄金为特色。
介绍(英)Drawing with designs for a parure of diadem, brooch, and necklace with lapis lazuli and enamel, created by French jeweler Alexis Falize in the Second Empire. All three designs feature roundels made up of a central, round, dark blue lapislazuli stone, framed by a golden roundel with rectangles of white enamel, possibly made to simulate baguette-cut diamonds or brilliants. The diadem consists of three of these roundels, separated by heart motifs made up of gold scrolling motifs, over a strip of round brilliants or diamonds framed by two strips of gold. The design for the brooch consists of one of this roundel, framed inside interlacing scrolling motifs made of gold and semi-abstract fleur-de-lis motifs, also made of gold, and decorated with white enamel. From this central frame hang two gold pyramids with horizontal stripes of white enamel and a round lapislazuli stone at the bottom, and a strip of golden round beads, which holds a smaller roundel, from which hangs another gold pyramid with horizontal stripes of white enamel and a round lapislazuli stone on its bottom. The necklace consists of five roundels of different sizes, the largest one in the center, separated by scrolls of gold that form heart motifs and flowers, and strips of round brilliants or diamonds that hang under the golden scrolling motifs. These designs reveal are of the style of the Second Empire in France, which were inspired on Greek and Roman antiquity and Mediterranean cultures, and featured compositions with semi-precious stones, such as turquoise and lapislazuli, together with enamel and gold.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。