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品名(中)卡图什系列:Targhe ed altri ornati di varie e capriciose invenzioni(卡图什和其他各种各样的装饰物,第40页)
品名(英)Series of Cartouches in: Targhe ed altri ornati di varie e capricciose invenzioni (Cartouches and other ornaments of various and capricious invention, page 40)
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Cornelis Bos【1510 至 1556】【荷兰人】
创作年份公元 1540 - 公元 1560
尺寸页: 7 7/8 × 10 5/16 英寸 (20 × 26.2 厘米) Plate: 5 1/8 × 11 13/16 英寸 (13 × 30 厘米) 整体: 8 1/4 × 10 5/8 英寸 (21 × 27 厘米)
介绍(中)这张专辑包含了几个印花系列,设计了系带卡通图案。专辑的前半部分由Carlo Losi于1773年在罗马出版的"Targhe ed altri华丽的d varie e capriciose invenzione(…)"系列中的盘子组成。该系列由16世纪最初在安特卫普出版的几个印刷系列的意大利副本反向组成。意大利的复制品很可能很快就制作完成了,很可能是在安东尼奥·拉弗雷里在罗马的出版事业背景下。洛西获得了旧版,将它们组合成一系列25张版画。标题牌和以下十一幅版画是根据雅各布·弗洛里斯设计、汉斯·利夫林克于1564年出版的"Veelderhande cierlijcke Compertimenten(…)"系列复制的。随后是汉斯·弗雷德曼·德·弗里斯的系列作品"Variarum Protractionum"的反面副本(有一些改动),该系列作品于1555年由杰拉德·德·约德首次出版。大多数(但不是所有)印版都会在对页上留下相同印刷品的第二印象。这些色调较暗,粘贴在较厚的纸张上,而不是直接打印在相册页面上。它们可能来源于意大利系列的早期版本,尽管它们没有包含提及拉弗雷里或伊科莫·马鲁奇的铭文,众所周知,他们在洛西之前就拥有这些盘子。在一种情况下,洛西的盘子与一只不太熟练的手的反向复制品结合在一起。专辑的后半部分由一系列较小的版画组成,其中包括带面具的系带卡通画和法语的简短铭文,通常被认为是Cornelis Bos的作品。然而,这一系列的两个版本是在16世纪制作的:一个是在空白的地面上制作的卡通图案,另一个是反过来在阴影的地面上呈现的图像。后一个版本是这本专辑中包含的版本,这本专辑的进一步区别在于,它以风景为特色,而不是在隔间里只装满文本的情况下以铭文为特色。这一特征让人想起所谓的枫丹白露学派的各种版画。一个异常值是由一个在majuscules中带有和字母表的cartouche形成的。卡通图案的设计与神秘艺术家贝内德托·巴蒂尼为希罗尼穆斯·科克1553年的一系列系带卡通图案设计的图案非常接近,并引用了拉丁语,但它不是复制品。这幅版画的签名是法国艺术家Georges Reverdy的首字母缩写,这之前曾导致人们认为Reverdy可能是负责孵化地面上整个卡通系列的艺术家。然而,印刷品执行上的差异与这一假设相悖

这张专辑很可能是由William Stirling Maxwell组装的,他的首字母印在皮革装订上。他的前唱本复制了专辑中发现的弗里斯人汉斯·弗雷德曼之后的一幅版画,他的花押字也被添加到其中一幅版画的隔间中。
介绍(英)This album contains several print series with designs for strapwork cartouches. The first half of the album consists of plates from the series "Targhe ed altri ornate d varie e cappriciose invenzione (…)", published in Rome by Carlo Losi in 1773. The series is made up out of Italian copies in reverse after several print series originally published in Antwerp in the sixteenth century. The Italian copies were likely made soon after, likely in the context of Antonio Lafreri’s publishing ventures in Rome. Losi obtained the old plates combined them into one series of twenty-five prints. The title plate and following eleven prints are copied after the series "Veelderhande cierlijcke Compertimenten (…)", designed by Jacob Floris and published by Hans Liefrinck in 1564. These are followed by copies in reverse (with some alterations) after Hans Vredeman de Vries’ series "Variarum Protractionum", first published by Gerard de Jode in 1555. Most, but not all of these plates, are accompanied by a second impression of the same print on the facing page. These are darker in tone, and pasted onto a thicker sheet of paper, rather than printed directly onto the album page. They may derive from an earlier edition of the Italian series, although they do not contain inscriptions that refer to Lafreri or Iacomo Marucci who are known to have owned the plates before Losi. In one case, Losi’s plate is combined with a copy in reverse in a less accomplished hand. The second half of the album consists of a series of smaller prints containing strapwork cartouches with masks and short inscriptions in French, often attributed to Cornelis Bos. However, two versions of this series were produced during the sixteenth century: one with the cartouches on a blank ground, and one with the images in reverse and presented on a hatched ground. The latter versions is the one included in this album, which is further distinguished by the fact that it features landscapes instead of inscriptions in those cases where the compartment was filled with a text alone. This feature is reminiscent of various prints of the so-called School of Fontainebleau. One outlier is formed by a cartouche with and alphabet in majuscules. The design of the cartouche is close to those designed by the enigmatic artists Benedetto Battini for Hieronymus Cock’s 1553 series of strapwork cartouches with quotations in Latin, but it is not a copy. This print is signed with the initials of the French artist Georges Reverdy, which has previously led to the idea that Reverdy might be the artist responsible for the entire series of cartouches on a hatched ground. The difference in the execution of the prints speaks against this hypothesis, however.

The album was likely assembled by William Stirling Maxwell whose initials are stamped into the leather binding. His ex libris reproduces one of the prints after Hans Vredeman the Vries found in the album, and his monogram was also added into the compartment of one of the prints.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。