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品名(英)Joaillerie: Album of Jewelry Designs, Page 2
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Anonymous, French【1400 至 现在】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1770
尺寸页: 5 1/4 英寸 × 8 英寸 (13.3 × 20.3 厘米)
介绍(中)1770年在巴黎出版的一本小相册的第二页,其中包含仿照L.van der Cruycen的版画复制的珠宝设计图纸,"Nouveau Livre de Desseins…"(新设计书…)。这一页的设计是两个垂坠耳环、一个girandole耳环、一枚小胸针、一枚缎带胸针和一个anacanthus叶子装饰,所有这些都是法国路易十六统治时期流行的风格的特征,展现了一种偶然的味道,具有不对称的形式、"rocaille"和风格化的自然主题,并用花朵、缎带和流苏进行了大量装饰,因此代表了18世纪在法国和欧洲流行的洛可可风格的品味。设计中精心雕刻的形式在十八世纪第三季度特别受欢迎,由熟练的工匠手工完成装饰
介绍(英)Second page of a small album containing drawings with jewelry designs copied after the prints by L. van der Cruycen, "Nouveau Livre de Desseins..." (New Book of Designs...), published in Paris in 1770. The designs in this page are for two drop earrings, a girandole earring, a small brooch, a ribbon brooch, and anacanthus leaf ornament, all of them characteristic of the style in vogue during the reign of Louis XVI in France, displaying a serendipitous flavor, with asymmetrical forms, "rocaille" and stylized natural motifs, and heavily decorated with flowers, ribbons and tassels, thus representing the taste of the Rococo style, which was fashionable in France and Europe during the eighteenth century. The elaborately carved forms presented in the designs were particularly sought after during the third quarter of the eighteenth century, and were to be accomplished by skilled artisans who would work out the decorations by hand.
The first drop earring consists of a round pearl and a teardrop-shaped stone, both framed by two interlacing ribbons, which are joined together by a bowshape ribbon motif decorated with a small pearl in the middle. The second drop earring consists of a rosette with a pearl in the middle with a bowknot ribbon decorated with a small pearl from which a tear-drop motif, accomplished by ribbon-like strips possibly to be made out of metal, hangs.
The unfinished design for a girandole earring contains a naturalistic motif with branches of leaves and a bird, with the rest of the design left incomplete, showing only the lines of a circle over the motif and three hanging teardrop shapes with circle that would create the guidelines for a complete design. Van der Cruycen uses this engraving to illustrate the proportions required for the design of girandole earrings, and his engraving is fully copied in this drawing.
The small brooch consists of a small scrolling branch with leaves and two oranges, the ribbon brooch is made up of a ribbon that is tied to form a rosette, and the design for an acanthus leaf ornament, taken from the frame in Title Page of Van der Cruycen's album, consists of an oval-shaped motif created by scrolling acanthus leaves.
The designs in this drawing are copies after the title page and plates number 2, 4 and 12 of the album of engravings by Van der Cruycen. The title page contains the acanthus leaf ornament design, plate no. 2 has the design for a girandole earring, plate no. 4 has the designs for drop earrings and for a small brooch, and plate no. 10 has the design for a ribbon brooch.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。