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品名(英)Ruins on the Right of the Via Appia
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Carlo Labruzzi【1748 至 1817】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1784 - 公元 1794
尺寸页: 16 7/8 × 21 3/4 英寸 (42.8 × 55.2 厘米)
这幅由卡洛·拉布鲁齐(Carlo Labruzzi)创作的水彩作品是一幅典型的手工作品,他是一位颇有成就的罗马新古典主义画家和平面艺术家。它的风格与《阿皮亚大街》系列中的226幅风景画非常相似,这些风景画是用钢笔和棕色墨水、刷子和棕色水洗(没有颜色)绘制的,现在存放在梵蒂冈使徒图书馆,直到2013年才完全出版。1789年,拉布鲁齐在从罗马前往贝内文托的旅途中创作了《阿皮亚大街上的梵蒂冈系列》,并受斯托尔黑德的理查德·科尔特·霍尔爵士(1758-1838)的委托,这位著名的英国古董商(也是一个银行家族的继承人)陪同艺术家进行了这次旅行。尽管梵蒂冈系列是单色的,但它与目前的作品有着如此紧密的互补,以至于它也一定是在1789年左右制作的,是霍尔委托制作的《阿皮亚大街》系列中的一个场景:在Labruzzi的梵蒂冈系列(BAV,Vat.Lat.14930[81])中刻着"阿皮亚大道右侧的废墟",其中还有其他版本。本作品是对最新文献的补充(比较Andrea de Rosa和Barbara Jatta,La Via Appia nei disegni di Carlo Labruzzi alla Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana,梵蒂冈城,2013,第265页,它将属于哪里)。"阿皮亚大街右侧的废墟"也是单色的(用钢笔和棕色墨水、刷子和棕色水洗),保存在罗马圣卢卡学院的萨尔蒂图书馆(第三卷,15)。梵蒂冈使徒图书馆(Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana)有一本水彩作品(BAV,Ashby.Disegni.Scatola.10[6])。后一幅水彩复制品的设计可能来源于目前的作品,而不是梵蒂冈使徒图书馆的单色签名画。与签名"阿皮亚大街右侧的废墟"(BAV,Vat.Lat.14930[81])和梵蒂冈水彩复制品相比,目前这张纸中的石墨底画更具活力。灰色和蓝色水彩对天空的定义在本作品中尤为值得注意。因此,梵蒂冈景观(BAV,Vat.Lat.14930[81])似乎是作为礼物提供给博物馆的水彩场景的一个版本,而不是它的预备研究。
(Carmen C.Bambach;2016年2月22日)
介绍(英)This imposing landscape executed in watercolor over graphite is relatively finished. The composition exhibits a double framing outline and an inscription at the top of the sheet, “93,” written in the same ink, all of which indicates this was an autonomous work in and of itself. The composition depicts two men one seated and one standing as they explore the landscape and monumental ruins of a wall which is overgrown with foliage. The ruins are those at a particular site, about 22 km, on the Via Appia in Rome.
This watercolor by Carlo Labruzzi, an accomplished Roman neoclassical painter and graphic artist, is a typical work by his hand. Its style closely resembles that of the 226 landscape drawings from the series on the Via Appia, executed in pen and brown ink with brush and brown wash (without color), now housed in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana and which were published thoroughly only in 2013. The Vatican series on the Via Appia was executed by Labruzzi during his trip from Rome to Benevento in 1789 and was commissioned by Sir Richard Colt Hoare of Stourhead (1758-1838), the noted British antiquarian (and heir to a banking family) who accompanied the artist on this trip. Although the Vatican series is done in monochrome, it provides such a close complement to the present work that it too must have been produced around 1789.
The composition, minus the use of watercolor, is that seen in one of the scenes from the Via Appia series commissioned by Hoare: that inscribed “Ruins on the right of the Via Appia” in Labruzzi’s Vatican series (BAV, Vat. Lat. 14930 [81]), of which other versions exist. The present work is an addition to the most recent literature (compare Andrea de Rosa and Barbara Jatta, La Via Appia nei disegni di Carlo Labruzzi alla Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City, 2013, p. 265, where it would belong). A copy of “Ruins on the right of the Via Appia,” also in monochrome (executed in pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash) is preserved in Rome at the Biblioteca Sarti of the Accademia di San Luca (vol. III, 15). The Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana has a copy in watercolor (BAV, Ashby.Disegni.Scatola.10 [6]). The design of this latter copy in watercolor probably derives from the present work, rather than the autograph drawing in monochrome in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. The graphite underdrawing in the present sheet is more energetic than that in both the autograph “Ruins on the right of the Via Appia” (BAV, Vat. Lat. 14930 [81]) and the Vatican copy in watercolor. The definition of the sky with gray and blue watercolor is particularly noteworthy in the present work. The Vatican landscape (BAV, Vat. Lat. 14930 [81]) therefore seems to be a version of the watercolor scene being offered to the Museum as a gift, rather than a preparatory study for it.
(Carmen C. Bambach; February 22, 2016)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。