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品名(中)Villa Rotunda,在《A. Palladio in Four Books中的建筑》中,其中包含一篇关于五个秩序的简短论文(L'Architecture de A. Palladio en quatre livres... / Il quattro libri dell'architettura)(第1卷,第2册,图版15)
品名(英)Villa Rotunda, in The Architecture of A. Palladio in Four Books containing a Short Treatise on the Five Orders (L'Architecture de A. Palladio en quatre livres... / Il quattro libri dell'architettura) (Volume 1, book 2, plate 15)
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Andrea Palladio【1508 至 1580】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1715 - 公元 1720
创作地区发布于: 英格兰, 伦敦(Published in: England, London)
尺寸Book: 17 13/16 × 11 5/8 × 2 3/16 英寸 (45.3 × 29.5 × 5.5 厘米) 页: 17 9/16 x 10 1/4 英寸 (44.6 x 26 厘米) Plate: 12 1/2 × 8 11/16 英寸 (31.8 × 22 厘米)
介绍(中)帕拉迪奥的论文由贾科莫·莱昂尼于1715年在伦敦以两卷本的形式重新出版,名为《四本书中的A.Palladio建筑》,由伯纳德·皮卡特和约翰·哈里斯精心印刷,极大地影响了英国十八世纪格鲁吉亚建筑风格的经典习语。这一点可以从这一时期最重要的建筑师的建筑项目和出版物中得到证明,其中包括伯灵顿第三伯爵理查德·博伊尔;他的门生景观设计师威廉·肯特;以及著名作家Colen Campbell,他的著作《维特鲁威不列颠》(1715年)成为英国帕拉第奥建筑的典范。Palladio的别墅设计魅力的一个很好的例子是villa Rotonda,它是几座广为宣传的英国别墅的理想典范,如Stourhead(约1721年)、Mereworth(约1723年)和伦敦附近伯灵顿勋爵自己的Chiswick House(约1725年)。每栋别墅都被精心放置在一个景观环境中,唤起了当前英国人对古典黄金时代的憧憬。别墅和花园旨在重现罗马别墅消失的宏伟,比如普林尼所描述的那些别墅,当时罗伯特·卡斯特尔在他的《古代别墅画报》(伦敦,1728年)一书中重建了这些别墅。
介绍(英)Palladio's treatise, republished in this lavish two-volume edition by Giacomo Leoni in London (1715) as The Architecture of A. Palladio in Four Books, with refined prints by Bernard Picart and John Harris, greatly influenced the classical idiom typical for eighteenth-century Georgian building style in England. This is evidenced by the building projects and publications of the foremost architects of the period, including Richard Boyle, third earl of Burlington; his protégé the landscape designer William Kent; and the famous author Colen Campbell, whose book Vitruvius Britannicus (1715) became the model for Palladian architecture in England. A good example of the fascination for Palladio's villa designs is the Villa Rotonda, which served as an ideal model for several widely publicized English villas, such as Stourhead (ca. 1721), Mereworth (ca. 1723), and Lord Burlington's own Chiswick House (ca. 1725) near London. Each villa was carefully placed in a landscape setting that evoked the current English vision of the classical Golden Age. Villa and garden were intended to recapture the vanished grandeur of Roman villas such as those described by Pliny, reconstructed at that time by Robert Castell in his book Villas of the Ancients Illustrated (London, 1728).
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。