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品名(英)A Dictamnus
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Balthasar van der Ast【1593 至 1657】【荷兰人】
创作年份公元 1613 - 公元 1657
尺寸页: 12 3/8 × 8 1/16 英寸 (31.5 × 20.4 厘米)
介绍(中)这幅盛开的Fraxinella(Dictamnus albus)的水彩画 - 鉴于植物分泌的高度易燃油,也被称为燃烧的灌木或天然气植物 - 属于花卉静物专家Balthasar van der Ast的一大组个别动植物图画。这组最初由至少 483 张纸组成,每张纸上都用荷兰语刻有所代表标本的名称、会标"BA"和一个数字(本页的 214 张纸被左下角的一张小贴纸覆盖)。这些画作(其中71幅在巴黎Frits Lugt收藏中)长期以来一直被认为是多德雷赫特画家巴塞洛缪·阿斯泰因(Bartholomeus Assteyn,1607-约1667年)[1],但正如Michiel Plomp在2001年所展示的那样,它们的执行质量以及某些例子与范德阿斯特画作的密切关系毫无疑问地表明了它们的作者身份。[2]

如前所述,其中一些纸张中出现的图案在范德阿斯特的画作中精确地复制,表明这些图画最初是作为艺术家的参考材料。[3]然而,这些作品也会吸引十七世纪的植物学业余爱好者,范德阿斯特随后可能会将它们作为标本目录销售给他们,也许只有这样才在每张纸上添加优雅的书法铭文和他的会标。[4] 无论如何,这幅画中花朵在页面上的位置,就像在其他图纸中一样,周围有足够的空间,并着眼于整体构图平衡,这表明范德阿斯特一开始就对优雅的呈现和植物学的精确性感兴趣。

(JSS, 7/5/18)

[1] Ingvar Bergström, Studier i holländskt stillebenmåleri under 1600-talet (哥德堡, 1947), p. 298, note 71;Laurens J. Bol,"Bartholomeus Assteijn: Dordts schilder van blommen en fruyten",Oud Holland 68,no. 3 (1953):第136-48页,特别是第140页,注24;和Laurens J. Bol,Bekoring van het kleine(多德雷赫特:多德雷赫特博物馆,1959年),第4号。

[2] Michiel Plomp in Vermeer and the Delft School, exh. cat.(纽约:大都会艺术博物馆,2001年),第445-46页。另见Sam Segal和Michiel Roding,De Tulp en de Kunst(阿姆斯特丹:Nieuwe Kerk,1994),第81-83,118页,其中以Van der Ast的名字复制了巴黎的一幅画。有关进一步的讨论,请参阅Gerdien Wuestman在伦勃朗时代的绘画素描中,exh。cat.,Ger Luijten et al. (华盛顿:国家美术馆,2016 年),第 119-23 页。

[3] 《维米尔与代尔夫特画派》(纽约:大都会艺术博物馆,2001年),第445-47页,注4;伍斯特曼在伦勃朗时代的绘画素描中,(华盛顿:国家美术馆,2016年),第119页。

[4] 《维米尔与代尔夫特画派》(纽约:大都会艺术博物馆,2001年),第446页和第447页,注5。
介绍(英)This watercolor of a blossoming Fraxinella (Dictamnus albus)—also known as a burning bush or gas plant in light of the highly flammable oil the plant secretes—belongs to a large group of drawings of individual flora and fauna by the flower still life specialist Balthasar van der Ast. This group originally comprised at least 483 sheets, each inscribed with the name, in Dutch, of the specimen(s) represented, with the monogram "BA," and with a number (the 214 on the present sheet is covered by a small pasted-on piece of paper at lower left). These drawings (71 of which are in the Frits Lugt Collection, Paris), were long attributed to the Dordrecht painter Bartholomeus Assteyn (1607-ca. 1667),[1] but as Michiel Plomp demonstrated in 2001, the quality of their execution and the close relationship of certain examples to paintings by Van der Ast leave no doubt as to their authorship.[2]

As has been noted, the motifs that appear in some of these sheets are replicated precisely in paintings by Van der Ast, indicating that the drawings served initially as reference material for the artist.[3] These works would, however, also have appealed to seventeenth-century amateurs of botany, to whom Van der Ast might have subsequently marketed them as a catalogue of specimens, perhaps only then adding the elegant calligraphic inscriptions and his monogram to each sheet.[4] In any case, the placement of the flower on the page in this drawing, as in the others, with ample space around it and with an eye to overall compositional balance, suggests that Van der Ast was interested, at the outset, as much in graceful presentation as in botanical precision.

(JSS, 7/5/18)

[1] Ingvar Bergström, Studier i holländskt stillebenmåleri under 1600-talet (Göteborg, 1947), p. 298, note 71; Laurens J. Bol, "Bartholomeus Assteijn: Dordts schilder van blommen en fruyten," Oud Holland 68, no. 3 (1953): pp. 136-48, esp. p. 140, note 24; and Laurens J. Bol, Bekoring van het kleine (Dordrecht: Dordrechts Museum, 1959), under no. 4.

[2] Michiel Plomp in Vermeer and the Delft School, exh. cat. (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2001), pp. 445-46. See also Sam Segal and Michiel Roding, De Tulp en de Kunst (Amsterdam: Nieuwe Kerk, 1994), pp. 81-83, 118, which reproduces one of the Paris drawings under Van der Ast’s name. For further discussion, see Gerdien Wuestman in Drawings for Paintings in the Age of Rembrandt, exh. cat., ed. Ger Luijten et al. (Washington: National Gallery of Art, 2016), pp. 119-23.

[3] Plomp in Vermeer and the Delft School (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2001), pp. 445-47, note 4; Wuestman in Drawings for Paintings in the Age of Rembrandt, (Washington: National Gallery of Art, 2016), p. 119.

[4] Plomp in Vermeer and the Delft School (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2001), p. 446 and p. 447, note 5.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。