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品名(英)Vasudhara Mandala
策展部门亚洲艺术Asian Art
创作年份公元 1777
尺寸图像: 33 3/4 × 28 1/2 英寸 (85.7 × 72.4 厘米) Framed: 52 1/2 × 38 1/4 × 1 5/8 英寸 (133.4 × 97.2 × 4.1 厘米)
介绍(中)站在这座曼陀罗中心的是Vasudhara("宝石之流")的金色形象,她是一位佛教的财富和富足女神,也体现了对学习的追求和大乘思想的整体,她举起左手拿着《智慧的完美经》象征着这一点。瓦修陀罗的左边是绿色的金刚帕尼菩萨像,而她的右边是红色的观世音菩萨像。金刚帕尼的牦牛大军成员,与物质财富和保护有关的男性自然神,被安置在整个曼陀罗,从麻袋里倒出宝石,打开宝箱;这种图像学进一步强调了瓦苏哈拉作为繁荣使者的作用。瓦苏哈拉正下方是她的主要随从伊拉·德维,她在神和奉献者之间进行调解。保护中央曼陀罗入口的是四头牦牛,它们坐在黄色曼陀罗中,可以被识别为摩尼陀罗、普纳巴德罗、达纳和维沙瓦那。在同一个红色寄存器的角落里出现了他们的配偶,古普塔·德维、萨古普塔·迪维、萨拉斯瓦蒂·迪维和钱德拉坎塔·迪维。按照标准,曼陀罗中心广场周围是一条莲花带和一圈五颜六色的火焰。在外广场的角落里,用mangalas(吉祥符号)括起来的是五位Pancha Raksha(护法女神)中的四位,瓦苏陀罗本人则扮演了第五位的身份,因为她隐晦地扮演了般若波罗蜜塔(大乘佛教智慧完美文本的化身)的身份。排在最前面的是五位如来佛,他们在四个方向主持天界净土,如来佛毗罗乘在中心(白色);最左上角和最右上角的两个身份不明的人物将这组人括起来。这幅曼陀罗的图像是在一本名为《Vandharoddhesa》的文本中详细描述的,这使得人们能够识别这幅画中代表的大多数神。即使以本文为指导,一些数字的身份仍然模糊不清。
介绍(英)Standing at the center of this mandala is the golden image of Vasudhara (“stream of gems”), a Buddhist goddess of wealth and abundance who also embodies the pursuit of learning and the totality of Mahayana ideology as symbolized by the Perfection of Wisdom sutra that she holds in her upraised left hand. To Vasudhara’s left is a green image of the Bodhisattva Vajrapani while a red image of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara stands to her right. Members of Vajrapani’s army of yakshas, male nature deities associated with material wealth and protection, are placed throughout the mandala pouring gems out of sacks and opening treasure chests; this iconography further emphasizes Vasudhara’s role as bringer of prosperity. Immediately below Vasudhara is her main attendant, Ila Devi who mediates between the god and devotees. Protecting the portals of the central mandala are four yakshas sitting within yellow mandorlas that can be identified as Manibhadra, Purnabhadra, Dhana and Veshavarna. In the corners of the same red register appear their consorts, the Gupta Devi, Sagupta Devi, Sarasvati Devi and Chandrakanta Devi. As is standard, surrounding the central square of the mandala is a band of lotuses and a ring of multicolored flames. In the corners of the outer square, bracketed by mangalas (auspicious symbols), are four of the five Pancha Rakshas (protector goddesses), with Vasudhara herself assuming the identity of the fifth as she implicitly takes on the identity of Prajnaparamita (the personification of the Mahayana Buddhist Perfection of Wisdom text). In the top register are the five Tathagata Buddhas, who preside over the celestial Pure Lands in the four directions with the Tathagata Buddha Vairochana in the center (white); two unidentified figures at the extreme upper left and right bracket this group. The iconography of this mandala is the described at length in a text called the Vasndharoddhesa, which allows for the identification of most of the deities represented in this painting. Even with this text as a guide, the identity of a few figures remains ambiguous.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。