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入馆年号2015年,2015.295a, b
策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作者Coulaux Frères, Manufacture Royale d'Armes de Klingenthal【1801 至 1836】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1820 - 公元 1830
创作地区原产国: 法国, 阿尔萨斯, 克林根塔尔(Country of Origin: France, Alsace, Klingenthal)
分类装甲零件Cuirasse(Armor Parts-Cuirasses)
尺寸高 17 1/2 英寸 (44.5 厘米); 宽 14 1/8 英寸 (35.9 厘米); 深 12 3/4 英寸 (32.4 厘米); 重 12 磅 2.2 盎司 (5505.5 g); breastplate; 高 17 1/2 英寸 (44.5 厘米); 宽 14 1/8 英寸 (35.9 厘米); 深 7 英寸 (17.8 厘米); 重 8 磅 0.5 盎司 (3642.9 g); backplate; 高 16 15/16 英寸 (43 厘米); 宽 14 1/8 英寸 (35.9 厘米); 深 5 3/4 英寸 (14.6 厘米); 重 4 磅 1.7 盎司 (1862.6 g)


与克林根塔尔生产的边缘武器进行仔细比较,毫无疑问,胸甲是由弗朗索瓦·泽维尔·比施(1793-1841)蚀刻和镀金的。1822年,他的父亲弗朗索瓦·约瑟夫·比施(1756-1831)退休后,他成为克林根达尔豪华武器的首席蚀刻师和镀金师。然而,在概念上与他父亲在前几十年装饰的边缘武器的装饰相似,这可能表明后者的装饰设计是为了获得灵感。19世纪20年代中期,也就是制作胸甲的时候,这对父子合作的证据是由一把豪华军刀提供的,这把军刀是1824年为多芬(Louis Antoine de Bourbon,安古莱姆公爵,1775-1844)制作的,1830年革命期间在杜乐丽宫发现。根据一份已发表的报告,这把军刀上有一个铭文,证明父亲提供了装饰设计,他的儿子对其进行了蚀刻和镀金("Variétés Notice sur un sable and un manual trouvés aux Tuileries le 29 juillet 1830",《莱特雷公报》,1829年,第636页)。胸甲可能制作于1824年9月(查理十世登基)至1825年5月(加冕)之间,可能是类似安排的结果。
介绍(英)This is one of only two known cuirasses with rich etched and gilt ornamentation dating from the restoration of the French monarchy, and a very rare example of nineteenth-century luxury armor. Forged and decorated in the Royal manufactory of Arms at Klingenthal in Alsace, it was probably specially ordered by François Marie Louis Victor, baron de Latour-Foissac (1784–1851) in anticipation of the coronation of Charles X of Bourbon (1757–1836, reigned 1824 to 1830) on May 29, 1825, in Reims. As the colonel of the Regiment of the Queen’s Cuirassiers, Latour-Foissac was the commander of the detachment that would escort the royal carriage during the solemn procession to Reims’ cathedral. Because of his age and declining health, however, Latour-Foissac, a seasoned veteran from the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, obtained permission to retire from active duty on May 23, 1825, only two days before the coronation. The cuirass was perhaps borrowed by his successor, the count de Sainte-Marie, who would not have had the time to have another one made for his own use at the ceremony.

Closely related in construction to the standard pattern of 1825, the cuirass is remarkable for the large scale and accomplished etched and gilded ornamentation of its surfaces with trophies of arms and foliage. In conception and execution the décor exhibits notable similarities to the blades of luxury sabers and swords made for high-ranking French military officers in the Klingenthal manufactory from the Directoire (October 26, 1795–November 9, 1799) through the monarchical Restauration (April 6, 1814–July 29, 1830) periods.

A close comparison with edged weapons produced in Klingenthal leaves little doubt that the cuirass was etched and gilded by François-Xavier Bisch (1793–1841), who after the retirement of his father, François-Joseph Bisch (1756–1831), in 1822, became the chief etcher and gilder of luxury arms at Klingenthal. The similarities in conception to the decoration of edged weapons embellished by his father during the preceding decades, however, are likely indications that the latter’s ornamental designs were used for inspiration. Evidence for a collaboration between the father and son in the mid-1820s––when the cuirass was made––is provided by a luxury saber that was made no earlier than 1824 for the Dauphin (Louis Antoine de Bourbon, duke of Angoulême, 1775–1844) and discovered in the Tuileries during the Revolution of 1830. According to a published report, the saber bore an inscription establishing that the father had supplied the ornamental design and that his son had etched and gilded it ("Variétés. Notice sur un sabre et un manuscript trouvés aux Tuileries le 29 juillet 1830," Gazette littéraire, 1829, p. 636). The cuirass, which was probably made between September 1824 (Charles X’s accession to the throne) and May 1825 (his coronation), is the likely fruit of a comparable arrangement.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。