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品名(英)Footed goblet with bulging bowl
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Philip Webb【1831 至 1915】【英国人】
创作年份公元 1860
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 4 3/4 × 3 3/8 × 3 3/8 英寸 (12.1 × 8.6 × 8.6 厘米)
介绍(中)这款脚踏高脚杯为Morris and Company倡导的新兴工艺美术运动和James Powell&;Sons’Whitefriars Glassworks旨在鼓励玻璃器皿的现代英国设计。这只高脚杯由菲利普·韦伯于1860年设计,是威廉·莫里斯的家红房子的一系列带有螺旋轨迹的餐桌玻璃杯的一部分。由James Powell&;儿子,该系列玻璃器皿还通过莫里斯,马歇尔,福克纳&;哈里·鲍威尔(葡萄酒商人詹姆斯·鲍威尔的孙子,1834年购买了白修士玻璃厂,是白修士的首席设计师)在1899年《建筑评论》的一篇文章中特别提到了这组设计,并对这种高脚杯设计进行了说明。当时,这就是白修士会对委员会的记录,哈里·鲍威尔认为设计师就是莫里斯本人。在菲茨威廉博物馆未来的馆长Sydney Cockerell(当时仍然是Morris&;Co.的经理)参观了Whitefriars Glassworks之后,这个错误得到了纠正(在伦敦博物馆保存的明信片上,根据3312),当Harry Powell在1906年《大英百科全书》中为"玻璃"修改的条目中提到红房子玻璃器皿设计时,他把它们归于韦布。鲍威尔还在1912年左右制作的设计笔记本《历史眼镜》(Glasses with Histories)中勾勒出了这一高脚杯设计,该笔记本被注释为"菲利普·韦伯为威廉·莫里斯为厄普顿红房子设计"(Philip Webb for William Morris for the Red House at Upton)。这本笔记本的一页展示了这个高脚杯的设计,由W.Evans,C.Ross&;A.沃纳,白修士玻璃。詹姆斯·鲍威尔;伦敦之子,伦敦:伦敦博物馆,1995年(图版422,第275页)。在白修士首次生产出韦布设计的这组玻璃器皿后不久,克里斯托弗·德雷塞尔于1862年对其表示钦佩,并呼吁人们注意其"简单的处理"
介绍(英)This footed goblet provides an ideal bridge between the burgeoning Arts and Crafts movement championed by Morris and Company and the endeavors of James Powell & Sons’ Whitefriars Glassworks to encourage modern, British design in glassware. The goblet was designed by Philip Webb in 1860, as part of a series of table glasses with spiral trails for William Morris’s home, the Red House. Made by James Powell & Sons, the series of glassware was also sold through Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. Harry Powell (grandson of the wine-merchant, James Powell, who had purchased the Whitefriars Glassworks in 1834 and principal designer at Whitefriars) singled out this group of designs for special comment, illustrating this goblet design in an article in the Architectural Review in 1899. At that time, such were the Whitefriars’ records of the commission that Harry Powell believed the designer to have been Morris himself. Following a visit to the Whitefriars Glassworks by the future director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Sydney Cockerell (at that time, still Morris & Co.’s manager) this mistake was rectified (on a postcard preserved in the Museum of London, acc. 3312) and when Harry Powell mentioned the Red House glassware designs in his revised entry for "Glass" in the Encyclopedia Britannica in 1906, he ascribed them to Webb. Powell also sketched this goblet design among the series of designs annotated as "by Philip Webb for William Morris for the Red House at Upton" in his design notebook logging "Glasses with Histories," made around 1912 onwards (preserved in the Museum of London, acc. 3252). The page of this notebook illustrating this goblet’s design is illustrated by W. Evans, C. Ross & A. Werner, Whitefriars Glass. James Powell & Sons of London, London: Museum of London, 1995 (plate 422, p.275). Very soon after Whitefriars first produced this group of glassware designed by Webb, Christopher Dresser admired it, in 1862, calling attention to its "simplicity of treatment."
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。