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品名(英)Scarab Inscribed with the Name Maatkare (Hatshepsut) Flanked by Two Red Crowns
策展部门埃及艺术Egyptian Art
创作年份公元前 1473 - 公元前 1458
创作地区来自于: 埃及(From: Egypt)
尺寸长 1.7 厘米 (11/16 英寸); 宽 1.2 厘米 (1/2 英寸)
介绍(中)在1926-1927年的挖掘季节,博物馆的埃及探险队在底比斯西部Deir el-Bahri的哈特谢普苏特葬礼寺庙的东围墙上发现了三个基础沉积物。 内容包括299个圣甲虫和邮票印章。其中六十五件现在在开罗的埃及博物馆,其余的则由博物馆在发现部门获得。

在这些圣甲虫和印章的铭文中,有哈特谢普苏特拥有的每一个头衔的例子,从她在父亲图特摩斯一世统治期间是"国王的女儿"; 到她成为她同父异母的兄弟图特摩斯二世的王后; 以及她摄政并与她的侄子/继子图特摩斯三世共同统治期间。


在博物馆的四个圣甲虫(27.3.218 - 27.3.221)上,Maatkare这个名字的两侧是象形文字,代表下埃及(三角洲地区)的红皇冠,这是法老统治的两片土地之一。 或由一对工匠;一个专门雕刻圣甲虫,另一个添加铭文。第五只圣甲虫(27.3.240)可能属于同一组。
介绍(英)During the 1926-1927 excavation season, the Museum's Egyptian Expedition uncovered three foundation deposits along the eastern enclosure wall of Hatshepsut's funerary temple at Deir el-Bahri in Western Thebes. Among the contents were 299 scarabs and stamp-seals. Sixty-five of these are now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, and the rest were acquired by the Museum in the division of finds.

Among the inscriptions on the bases of these scarabs and seals are examples of every title Hatshepsut held, from the time she was "king's daughter" during the reign of her father, Thutmose I; through the time she was queen of her half-brother, Thutmose II; and during her regency and co-reign with her nephew/step-son, Thutmose III.

After the death of her husband, Hatshepsut became regent for her nephew who was a small child. The length of this regency period is uncertain, with estimates ranging from two to seven years. At some time, probably toward the end of the regency, Hatshepsut adopted the name Maatkare which was usually enclosed in a cartouche and became her throne name as king. The name may be roughly translated as Maat (the goddess of truth) is the life force of Re (the sun god).

On four of the Museum's scarabs (27.3.218 - 27.3.221), the name Maatkare is flanked by hieroglyphs that represent the red crown of Lower Egypt (the Delta region), one of the Two Lands ruled over by the Pharaoh.The hieroglyphs are carved in a similar style and the back designs are nearly identical suggesting that the amulets were carved by the same craftsman, or by a pair of craftsmen; one who specialized in carving the scarab and the other adding the inscription. A fifth scarab (27.3.240) probably belongs to the same group.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。