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品名(英)Statue of the Goddess Sakhmet
策展部门埃及艺术Egyptian Art
创作年份公元前 1390 - 公元前 1352
创作地区来自于: 埃及(From: Egypt)
尺寸h. 210 厘米 (82 11/16 in); w. of base 47.5 厘米 (18 11/16 in); d. 95.5 厘米 (37 5/8 in)
介绍(中)萨赫梅特女神的母狮头上长着一双炯炯有神的小眼睛和突出有力的下巴,这表明她有暴力的潜力,这引起了人们的极大安抚。这是阿蒙霍特普三世统治期间创作的约600尊女神雕像之一,这些雕像要么仍然矗立在,要么可以追溯到两个主要地点:底比斯西岸Kom el Heitan的国王太平间建筑群和底比斯东岸卡纳克的穆特神庙建筑群。这尊雕像很可能是在后一个遗址发现的

人们一直认为国王本人在这两个地方都立了雕像,但今天许多学者认为,这些雕像最初都矗立在Kom el Heitan太平间。在那里,他们构成了阿蒙霍特普庞大雕像计划的一部分。令人信服的是,萨赫米特雕像构成了一个"石头上的长龙",安抚了女神,并要求她不要使用自己的负面力量,从而使国王在一年内摆脱了疾病和邪恶。根据我们对长篇大论的理解,最初可能有730尊雕像,一年中的每一天都有一座坐着和一座站着。此外,有理论认为,它们与其他神圣雕像一起排列在Kom el Heitan的巨大庭院中,形成了一幅巨大的天体图,作为国王永恒的仪式日历

介绍(英)The goddess Sakhmet, whose lioness head with its small intense eyes and prominent sinewy jaws bespeaks her potential for violence, elicited great efforts of appeasement. This is one of some six hundred statues of the goddess created during the reign of Amenhotep III that either still stand in, or can be traced to, two main locales: the mortuary complex of the king at Kom el Heitan on the Theban west bank, and the Mut Temple Complex at Karnak on the east bank at Thebes. This statue was most likely found at the latter site.

It was long thought that the king himself had erected statues in both places, but today many scholars believe that originally the statues all stood at the Kom el Heitan mortuary temple. There they formed part of Amenhotep’s massive statuary program. The Sakhmet statues have convincingly been shown to have constituted a "litany in stone" that appeased the goddess and invoked her not to use her negative powers, thereby delivering the king from illness and evil for a year. Based on our understanding of the litany, there may originally have been 730 statues, one seated and one standing for each day of the year. Moreover, it has been theorized they were arranged, along with other divine statues, across the giant courts at Kom el Heitan to form a vast celestial map that served as the king's eternal ritual calendar.

The mortuary temple of Amenhotep III apparently began to suffer from rising groundwater not long after its construction, and statues and building materials within its precinct were removed to other sites. Many of the statues of Sakhmet thus had a second stage of life after their original deployment. The violent and powerful goddess was linked with the goddess Mut, wife of Amun, who was worshipped in the Precinct of Mut south of Karnak temple. Statues of Sakhmet had probably already begun to be moved to the Mut temple complex by the Nineteenth Dynasty as the two goddesses became more closely identified, and then a number of Sakhmet statues at the complex bear added names indicating the attention of rulers of the Third Intermediate Period, when alternately fierce and gentle goddesses with lion aspects, including Sakhmet and Mut, acquired great religious influence.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。