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品名(英)Tenor Recorder
策展部门乐器Musical Instruments
创作者Bassano【1530 至 1650】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1595 - 公元 1605
创作地区大不列颠联合王国(United Kingdom)
分类航空电话口哨笛录音机(Aerophone-Whistle Flute-recorder)
尺寸高: 12 13/16 英寸 (32.5 厘米)
介绍(中)巴萨诺家族的乐器制造商和音乐家的名字来自威尼托的巴萨诺德尔格拉帕市,但在十六世纪初搬迁。虽然只有关于该家族宗教的间接证据,但巴萨诺是一个众所周知的犹太姓氏,该家族可能在 1516 年逃离巴萨诺,当时该镇的犹太居民被驱逐。巴萨诺斯家族的徽章上有三只蚕蛾和一棵桑树,这表明该家族在某个时候参与了丝绸贸易。这台录音机的铃铛边缘印有巴萨诺斯的飞蛾印章。



文艺复兴时期由单块黄杨木制成的男高音录音机的罕见例子。 与早期木管乐器的典型特征一样,有七个音孔,六个在中心,底部有一对孔,听起来音高相同。 这种安排允许玩家为顶部和底部孔选择自己的手位置。 仪器背面有一个拇指孔。
介绍(英)The Bassano family of instrument makers and musicians took its name from the city of Bassano del Grappa in Veneto but had relocated by the early sixteenth century. Although only circumstantial evidence exists about the family’s religion, Bassano was a well-known Jewish surname, and the family may have fled Bassano in 1516, when Jewish residents of the town were expelled. The Bassanos’ coat of arms featured three silkworm moths and a mulberry tree, suggesting that the family was involved at some point in the silk farming trade. This recorder bears on the rim of its bell the Bassanos’ moth stamp.

During the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries the Bassanos were active in music circles in Venice and London, where in the late 1530s several Bassano brothers established themselves as musicians at the court of Henry VIII. Members of the family were part of Shakespeare’s circle, and one of the brothers, Baptista, had a daughter Emilia, who may have been the "Dark Lady" of Shakespeare’s sonnets. Shakespeare may also have based the character Bassanio from The Merchant of Venice on a member of the family.

Part of the flute family, the recorder has been used in art music in Western Europe since the fifteenth century. Makers constructed matched consorts of various sizes of recorders, from soprano to bass, to play polyphonic repertory, including secular songs, motets, and dance music.

A rare example of a Renaissance tenor recorder made of a single piece of boxwood. As is typical of early woodwind instruments, there are seven tone holes, six down the center and a pair of holes at the bottom that sound the same pitch. This arrangement allows a player to choose their own hand placement for the top and bottom holes. There is a single thumb hole on the back of the instrument.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。