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品名(英)Division Viol
策展部门乐器Musical Instruments
创作者Henry Smith【1623 至 1637】【英国人】
创作年份公元 1629
创作地区大不列颠联合王国, 英格兰, 伦敦(United Kingdom, England, London)
尺寸Body 长 65 厘米

分区中提琴比低音中提琴da gamba稍小,是在重复的低音线或地面上演奏即兴变奏曲(或"分区")的理想乐器。17世纪,分部小提琴在英国越来越受欢迎,同时出版了有条不紊的论文,如克里斯托弗·辛普森的《1665年分部小提琴》和《1669年分部小提琴家》,以及约翰·普拉福德的《1667年简介》。由于其巨大的罗盘和超过三个八度的音域,该乐器允许有成就的演奏者演奏复调作品和快速的配段,但也是非正式配偶演奏的理想选择。(Elizabeth Weinfield,2014)


技术说明:除颈部外完好无损;英国古典中提琴比例的身体;不透明的红棕色清漆;五块云杉桌子;两片枫木背面;背部类似枫木的肋骨;桌子上装饰得很华丽,有一个镶有枫花的玫瑰花结,背面是花纹羊皮纸,指板下面有一个紫色的环绕物;背部具有在顶部和底部块区域以交叉图案朝着中心关节向内延伸的双褶;调谐:D,G,c,e,a,D'。(William Monical,1977)
介绍(英)Viols, the most esteemed bowed instruments of the late Renaissance, were only gradually displaced by the violin family. Viols differ from violins chiefly in shape, in number of strings and tuning, and in having fretted necks. All viols are played in an upright position between the knees or on the legs ("gamba" means "leg"), and the bow is held palm upward. The sound is less brilliant and quieter than that of the violin family of instruments. Chamber music for a consort of four to six viols was composed during the Renaissance and Baroque eras, and solo works for the bass viol were being played until nearly the end of the eighteenth century. This instrument is of the type known as a division viol, measuring between two and three inches shorter than a consort viol.

Slightly smaller than the bass viola da gamba, the division viol is an instrument ideal for playing improvised variations (or "divisions") upon a repeated bassline, or ground. Division viols grew in popularity in England in the seventeenth century alongside publications of methodical treatises, such as Christopher Simpson's The Division Viol of 1665 and The Division-Violist of 1669, as well as John Playford's A Brief Introduction of 1667. Because of its large compass and range of over three octaves, the instrument allowed accomplished performers to play polyphonic compositions and rapid passagework, but was also ideal for informal consort playing. (Elizabeth Weinfield, 2014)

As with many seventeenth century viols, this instrument was modified in the nineteenth century to be used as a cello. A restoration in southern Germany or Austria returned the instrument as a viol before it came to the Museum.

Technical description: intact except for neck; body of classical English viol proportions; opaque reddish-brown varnish; table of spruce in five pieces; back of maple in two pieces; ribs of similar maple to the back; table richly ornamented with double purfling, with an inlaid rosette of maple with figured parchment backing and a single purfling surround beneath the fingerboard; the back with double purfling extending inwards toward the center joint in a cross-over pattern at the top and bottom block areas; tuning: D, G, c, e, a, d'. (William Monical, 1977)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。