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品名(英)Double Virginal
策展部门乐器Musical Instruments
创作者Hans Ruckers the Elder【1545 至 1598】【佛兰德人】
创作年份公元 1550 - 公元 1625
创作地区佛兰德语, 安特卫普(Flemish, Antwerp)
尺寸宽: 71 3/4 英寸 (182.2 厘米) Depth: 19 1/2 英寸 (49.5 厘米)
介绍(中)这把双处女是汉斯·鲁克斯(Hans Ruckers)已知最早的乐器,他建立了一个统治佛兰芒大键琴建筑一百年的王朝。双处女由一个大乐器(称为"母亲")和一个小处女("孩子")组成,其键盘位于偏离中心的位置,其调音比大型乐器高一个八度,并存储在键盘旁边的空间中。任何一种乐器都可以单独演奏,或者可以将小处女从其空间中取出并放在较大的处女之上。完成此操作后,当演奏"母亲"的琴键时,"孩子"的琴键被激活,从而使两种乐器同时以八度音阶发出声音。

矩形是佛兰芒处女的典型形状。不使用时,前面板向上摆动以隐藏键盘,盖子关闭以保护琴弦。当乐器打开时,露出的内表面装饰着彩绘图案,拉丁文铭文Mvsica Dvlce Laborvm Levamen(甜美的音乐是辛劳的香膏)像横幅一样挂在乐器上。较小键盘的顶轨上签名为"HANS RVEKERS ME FECIT",首字母"HR"出现在较大键盘的左侧。在较大的键盘上,两个镀金奖章是西班牙菲利普二世和他的妻子奥地利安妮的个人资料肖像,面对面。

内盖露出美丽的彩绘内部,带有游乐花园场景,其制造商未知。户外花园派对的主题,buitenpartij或fête champêtre,这是一个早期的例子,成为十七世纪荷兰的流行流派,恢复了爱情花园的古老艺术传统。虽然执行得有些僵硬,但从风格上讲,这幅关于处女的绘画视图符合当代佛兰芒文艺复兴时期艺术家的花园场景,包括 Lodewijk Toeput(1550-约 1605 年)和大卫·温克布恩斯(1576-1629 年)。在这个花园场景中,特别迷人的是穿着优雅的上层阶级成员在毗邻的护城河城堡的草地上自娱自乐的方式。他们的活动范围从在中央凉棚用餐和演奏乐器,到温和的长廊,乘船游览或玩当今高尔夫的前身kolf游戏。这幅处女的吊板上画的文字,Musica Dulce Laborum("甜美的音乐轻松工作"),不仅指这种键盘乐器的演奏,也指休闲彩绘花园中的音乐家。

介绍(英)This double virginal is the earliest known instrument by Hans Ruckers, who founded a dynasty that dominated Flemish harpsichord building for a hundred years.Double virginals consist of a large instrument (called "the mother"), with its keyboard placed off-center, and a small virginal ("the child"), tuned an octave above that of the large instrument and stored in the space next to its keyboard. Either instrument may be played by itself, or the small virginal may be removed from its space and placed on top of the larger one. When this is done, the keys of the "child" are activated when those of the "mother" are played, thereby causing both instruments to sound at once, in octaves.

The rectangular shape is typical of Flemish virginals. When not in use, the front panel swings up to conceal the keyboards, and the lid closes to protect the strings. The inner surfaces, revealed when the instrument is opened, are decorated with painted patterns, and the Latin inscription Mvsica Dvlce Laborvm Levamen (Sweet music is a balm for toil) hangs from the instrument like a banner. The jackrail of the smaller keyboard is signed "HANS RVEKERS ME FECIT" and the initials "HR" appear to the left of the larger keyboard. Over the larger keyboard two gilded medallions, profile portraits of Philip II of Spain and his wife Anne of Austria, face each other.

The inside lid reveals a beautiful painted interior with a pleasure garden scene, the maker of which is unknown. The theme of the outdoor garden party, the buitenpartij or fête champêtre, of which this is an early example, became a popular genre in the seventeenth-century Netherlands, reviving the age-old artistic tradition of the Garden of Love. Although somewhat stiffly executed, stylistically this painted view on the virginal fits garden scenes made by contemporary Flemish Renaissance artists, including Lodewijk Toeput (1550–ca. 1605) and David Vinckboons (1576–1629). Particularly charming in this garden scene is the way in which the elegantly dressed members of the upper class are amusing themselves in the meadows of the adjoining, moated castle. Their activities range from dining and playing musical instruments in the central pergola, to gentle promenades, embarking on a boat ride, or playing the game of kolf, forerunner of today's golf. The text painted on the dropboard of this virginal, Musica Dulce Laborum ("sweet music eases work"), not only refers to the playing of this keyboard instrument, but also to the musicians in the painted garden of leisure.

The royal family may have commissioned this instrument to send to friends or emissaries in the New World, as it was found in Cuzco, Peru, in a hacienda chapel early in the twentieth century. Although it is not known who owned or played this instrument, keyboards often were associated with women musicians.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。