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策展部门乐器Musical Instruments
创作者Manuel Ramírez【1864 至 1916】【西班牙人】
创作年份公元 1901 - 公元 1925
创作地区西班牙, 马德里(Spain, Madrid)
尺寸高 (Total): 38 英寸 (96.5 厘米) 宽 (At lower bouts): 10 9/16 英寸 (26.9 厘米)
介绍(中)1913年,安德烈斯·塞戈维亚(Andrés Segovia)前往马德里,在阿滕尼奥剧院(Ateneo theater)举行了他的首场音乐会。他参观了曼努埃尔·拉米雷斯(Manuel Ramírez)的工作室,打算租一台比他当时使用的乐器更高级的乐器。根据塞戈维亚的说法,当曼努埃尔听到他演奏时,他命令他的顶级工匠桑托斯·埃尔南德斯"……把你为曼洪制作的吉他带来。"安东尼奥·吉梅内兹·曼洪是一名失明的11弦西班牙吉他手,在当时很有名气,他不愿为拉米雷斯委托的11弦吉他支付价格。Santos Hernández领导的Ramírez商店随后将被拒绝的乐器重建为6弦版本,更换了音板和琴桥,并将调音桩转换为机械调音机。正是在这种重建的形式下,这把吉他被赠送给了塞戈维亚,并告诫塞戈维亚带着吉他环游世界,展示他的艺术,让所有人欣赏。1922年,这把吉他需要大修,所以塞戈维亚把它带到桑托斯·埃尔南德斯的商店,后者修复了这把吉他,并插入了注明日期的标签。在将近25年的时间里,这种乐器是塞戈维亚在其辉煌而漫长的职业生涯开始时使用的主要演奏和录音乐器。这是他1929年在纽约市政厅首次亮相时使用的乐器。1986年,塞戈维亚将这把吉他和他心爱的1937年豪泽一起赠送给了大都会艺术博物馆和纽约市,以表彰纽约市在他职业生涯的成功中发挥的关键作用。(Richard Bruné,2022)

25 3/4"(654毫米)弦长,云杉共鸣板,巴西红木侧面、背面和琴桥,西班牙雪松颈,乌木共鸣板。
介绍(英)In 1913, Andrés Segovia went to Madrid to make his debut concert at the Ateneo theater he visited the workshop of Manuel Ramírez with the intention to rent a superior instrument than the one he was using at the time. According to Segovia, when Manuel heard him play, he ordered his top workman Santos Hernández to "…bring the guitar you made for Manjon." Antonio Giménez Manjon was a blind 11 string Spanish guitarist who had considerable fame in those days, and had balked at paying Ramírez’ price for the 11 string guitar he had commissioned. The Ramírez shop headed by Santos Hernández then rebuilt that rejected instrument into the 6 string version by replacing the soundboard and bridge, and converting the tuning pegs to mechanical tuning machines. It was in this rebuilt form that the guitar was gifted to Segovia with the admonition that Segovia repay him by carrying the guitar around the world to display his art for all to appreciate. In 1922 the guitar required significant repairs, so Segovia took it to the shop of Santos Hernández who restored the instrument and inserted his dated label indicating this. For nearly 25 years this instrument was the main performance and recording instrument used by Segovia at the beginning of his illustrious and long career. It was the instrument he used for his debut in the United States in 1929 at New York's Town Hall. In 1986 Segovia gifted this guitar along with his beloved 1937 Hauser to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the City of New York in appreciation of the pivotal position New York City played in the success of his career. (Richard Bruné, 2022)

25 3/4" (654 mm) string length, spruce soundboard, Brazilian rosewood sides, back and bridge, Spanish cedar neck, ebony fretboard.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。