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策展部门乐器Musical Instruments
创作者Johann Joseph Stadlmann【捷克人】
创作年份公元 1701 - 公元 1800
创作地区捷克共和国(Czech Republic)
尺寸Body length 66.4 厘米, Body width: upper bout 15.2 厘米 center bout 20.4 厘米 lower bout 41.9 厘米 Rib height: top block 10.8 厘米 center bout 11.1 厘米 bottom block 11.4 厘米 String length 72.3 厘米
介绍(中)重音是一种类似于低音中提琴的弓形乐器,并增加了交感弦。这是一种不寻常的乐器形式,被认为是维也纳制造商约翰·约瑟夫·斯塔德曼(Johann Joseph Stadlmann)的作品。约瑟夫·海顿为尼古拉斯·埃斯特哈齐王子写了175首曲子,在他的重子上演奏。大多数是包括中提琴,大提琴和重音在内的合奏。

描述:云杉表分为两部分,增加了两个翅膀,两个分开的C孔,没有檩条,但有通道回合,上端有一个小装饰卷轴,酒吧有十个调音钉和十根弦架,用于二十根交感弦; 一座桥,水平划分C孔,支撑七根弓弦; 桌子在下部缩进,用于尾件销; 低音杆原件, 但得到了大力加强;通过摩擦和弦张力将琴弦固定在杆上;桦树背面两片,边缘有深沟;普通桦树的肋骨;枫树的脖子是一体的,延伸到钉子盒和顶部,钉子盒上有一张云杉"桌子",上面有四角星形的小羊皮纸玫瑰花结;现代乌木指板和尾件;钉子和调谐销原装;交感弦,十根铜线和十根钢丝,延伸到指板后面,钢弦更高(用于拨动?)和铜更低,穿过雕刻的简单图案金属板,并用钉子固定;深红褐色清漆,肋骨和背部有玳瑁斑驳。
介绍(英)The baryton is a bowed instrument similar to a bass viola da gamba with the addition of sympathetic strings. This is an unusual form of the instrument that has been attributed to the Viennese maker Johann Joseph Stadlmann. Joseph Haydn wrote 175 pieces for Prince Nikolaus Esterházy to play on his baryton. Most were for an ensemble that included viola, cello, and baryton.

Description: Table of spruce in two pieces with two added wings, two divided C holes, no purfling but with channeling bouts, the upper end with a small ornamental scroll, the bar holding ten tuning pegs and ten string rests for the twenty sympathetic strings; a bridge, horizontally dividing the C holes, supports seven bowed strings; table indented at the lower bout for tailpiece pin; bass bar original, but heavily reinforced; string holder held in bar by friction and string tension; back of birch in two pieces, with deep channeling on the edge; ribs of plain birch; neck of maple in one piece extending to the pegbox and top, with a spruce "table" over the pegbox bearing small rosette of parchment in a four-point star; modern ebony fingerboard and tailpiece; pegs and tuning pins original; sympathetic strings, ten of copper and ten of steel wire, extend behind the fingerboard, the steel ones higher (for plucking?) and the copper lower, and pass through an engraved metal plate of simple pattern, and are fastened by nails; dark reddish-brown varnish with tortoise shell mottle on ribs and back.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。