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品名(英)Barrel Organ
入馆年号1889年,89.4.1411a, b
策展部门乐器Musical Instruments
创作年份公元 1820 - 公元 1840
创作地区大不列颠联合王国, 英格兰, 伦敦(United Kingdom, England, London?)
尺寸Instr.: 50厘米 x 38厘米 x 60厘米 Box: 52厘米 x 30.5厘米 x 17厘米

技术描述:矩形桃花心木外壳,正面有九根布背板显示管; 前缘镶嵌条纹; 28 根开放式金属管,最低的斜接,设置成两排,打击乐器 (?),曲柄在箱子前面转动组合蜗杆和曲轴,该曲柄旋转枪管并将单折叠中心枢轴进料器泵送到储液罐下方; 枪管在支架上滑动,并有一个十槽位换档销延伸到右侧它被用于曲调选择的下降闩锁接合的情况;左侧的门允许拆卸枪管;三个手挡块延伸到表壳前部底部,操作(L至R)前排、后排、打击乐;另外两个桶存放在单独的箱子(b)中;指南针由管道上的字母指示:C D E F G A A# B C D E F G (A),另一组字母低半步或整步,划掉;管道可能来自另一个来源,并且 B 标记为 Mix 12,与其他管道的比例不匹配;标签上粘在铰链盖件内的曲调列表。

桶号1:1。阿德斯特·菲德莱斯,2。主我的牧场, 3.晚间赞美诗,4。开尔文格罗夫,5。伴娘之歌,6。蝴蝶,7。伊莎贝尔,8岁。甜蜜的家,9。温柔的月亮升起,10。心与琵琶


桶3号:1。拉罗斯,2。拉多塞特,3。弗里斯胡茨(原文如此),4。La Divine, 5.《埃格兰特》(原文如此),6。猎人合唱团,7。拉压轴,8。布兰斯夫人,9岁。亲爱的白色警长,10岁。哦,它的爱
介绍(英)Instead of having a keyboard played by an organist, a barrel organ is a mechanical instrument that has the musical notes encoded in an arrangement of metal pins in a wooden barrel or cylinder. This instrument is activated by a person turning a hand crank, which both powers a single-fold bellows that provides air, and also rotates the cylinder that engages the mechanism that sends the air through specific pipes.

Technical description: Rectangular mahogany case with nine display pipes in cloth backed panel on front; inlaid striping around front edges; 28 open metal pipes, the lowest mitered, set in two rows, percussion instrument (?), crank on case front turns a combination worm and crank shaft that rotates the barrel and pumps the single fold center pivoted feeder beneath a reservoir; barrel slides on a bracket and has a ten notch shift pin extending through right side of case where it is engaged by a drop latch for tune selection; door on left side allows removal of barrel; three hand stops extend through bottom of case front, operating (L to R) front rank, rear rank, percussion; two additional barrels stored in separate box (b); compass indicated by letters on pipes: C D E F G A A# B C D E F G (A), with another set of letters a half step or whole step lower, crossed out; pipes come from another source, perhaps, and the B is marked Mix 12 and does not match the scale of the other pipes; list of tunes on label glued inside hinged lidpiece.

Barrel No. 1: 1. Adeste Fideles, 2. Lord My Pasture, 3. Evening Hymn, 4. Kelvin grove, 5. Bridesmaid song, 6. Butterfly, 7. Isabelle, 8. Home Sweet Home, 9. Rise Gentle Moon, 10. Heart & Lute

Barrel No. 2: 1. Spanish Dance, 2. Chatsworth House, 3. Tancreda, 4. Miss Gayton
5. Litte Litte, 6. Highland Laddie, 7. Les Lancers, 8. My Love is a Lassie, 9. Vulcans Cave, 10. Nouvelle Fantasie

Barrel No. 3: 1. La Rose, 2. La Dorset, 3. Der Frieshutz (sic), 4. La Divine, 5. L'Egelante (sic), 6. Hunters Chorus, 7. La Finale, 8. Dame Blance, 9. Darling White Sergant, 10. Oh its Love
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。