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品名(英)Double Virginal
策展部门乐器Musical Instruments
创作者Lodewijck Grouwels【1593 至 1600】【佛兰德人,活跃于荷兰】
创作年份公元 1600
创作地区荷兰, 泽兰省, 米德尔堡(The Netherlands, Zeeland, Middelburg)
尺寸inst. 188厘米 x 50厘米 x 27厘米 stand: 142厘米 x 61厘米 x 72厘米
介绍(中)这是Lodewijk Grouwels唯一已知的乐器,他是一位新教制造者,于1593年离开天主教安特卫普,搬到了加尔文主义的大本营Middelburg。这种乐器有时被称为"母亲和孩子的处女",因为有一个主要的处女(母亲)和一个较小的可拆卸八度音阶处女(孩子)。小键盘是著名的大键琴制造商阿诺德·多尔梅奇在1896年对整个乐器进行修复时制造的替代品

该乐器装饰奢华,正面(键槽)、吸音板和盖子内部都涂有油漆。盖画的特点是大卫和歌利亚的故事。在最右边可以看到年轻的大卫用弹弓和巨人歌利亚之间的战斗。在盖子的中心是一个游行队伍,显示大卫和他被杀对手的头。左边是米德尔堡的城门。的故事很可能是对新教的Middelburg的隐喻,Middelburg自1581年以来一直是荷兰的一部分,与天主教的西班牙荷兰接壤。(Ben Hebbert 2016)

技术描述:较大的四个八度音阶和第四个音阶的指南针——G到C;最低八度音短。较小的指南针,四个八度音阶——C到C。Oblong表壳,内部装饰有镀金和彩绘卷轴作品。大的前板上听到了这样的格言:SCIENCIA NON HABET INIMICUM NISI IGNORANTEM;较小乐器的前板插入键盘右侧的表壳中,上面有ARS USU IVVANDA的座右铭。这两种乐器的音板上都画着花朵和水果,每一朵都有一朵玫瑰,上面写着L.G.的首字母,代表潘用嘴唇吹风琴。钥匙,象牙色天然,黑色锋利,后者镶嵌精美。被子拨片。
介绍(英)This is the only known instrument of Lodewijck Grouwels, a Protestant maker who left Catholic Antwerp in 1593 and moved to the Calvinist stronghold of Middelburg. The instrument is sometimes referred to as a “mother and child virginal,” as there is a main virginal (the mother) and a second smaller removable octave virginal (the child). The small keyboard is a replacement made by the famous harpsichord maker Arnold Dolmetsch in 1896 during a restoration of the entire instrument.

The instrument is lavishly decorated, with painted surfaces on the front (keywell), soundboards, and interior of the lid. The lid painting features the story of David and Goliath. On the far right can be seen the battle between the young David with his slingshot and the giant Goliath. In the lid's center is a procession showing David with the head of his slain adversary. On the left are the city gates of Middelburg. The story of was likely a metaphor for Protestant Middelburg, part of the United Netherlands since 1581, which bordered the Catholic Spanish Netherlands. (Ben Hebbert 2016)

Technical description: Compass of the larger, four octaves and a fourth-- G to C; lowest octave short. Compass of the smaller, four octaves--C to C. Oblong case, the interior decorated with gilding and painted scroll-work. The large front-board hears the motto: SCIENCIA NON HABET INIMICUM NISI IGNORANTEM; the front-board of the smaller instrument, inserted in the case to the right of keyboard, bears the motto ARS USU IVVANDA. The soundboards of both instruments are painted with flowers and fruit, each with a rose bearing the initials L. G., and representing Pan blowing an organ with his lips. Keys, ivory naturals with black sharps, latter finely inlaid. Quill plectra.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。