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品名(英)Library Table
策展部门美国之翼The American Wing
创作者Herter Brothers【1864 至 1906】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1879 - 公元 1882
创作地区制造于: 美国, 纽约, 纽约(Made in: United States, New York, New York)
尺寸31 1/4 x 60 x 35 3/4 英寸 (79.4 x 152.4 x 90.8 厘米)
介绍(中)Herter Brothers是德国出生的Gustave和Christian Herter兄弟在纽约的公司,可以说是19世纪末美国领先的橱柜制造和装饰公司。赫特兄弟成立之际,美国富有的金融家和实业家正在重新定义奢华的生活标准。赫特兄弟为那个时代一些最引人注目、最富有的客户创造了国际化的环境,涵盖了室内设计的方方面面,包括家具和木制品、墙壁和天花板装饰、地板处理和窗帘。1879年至1882年间,赫特兄弟设计并装饰了威廉·亨利·范德比尔特在第五大道的新豪宅。这张纪念性的桌子是他图书馆的核心,用红木和奢华的珍珠母和黄铜镶嵌物补充了房间的镶板。尽管它被称为图书馆的桌子,但它本身并不是用来学习的;更确切地说,这是一件雕塑,也是范德比尔特本人的纪念碑。该表暗示了范德比尔特的权力和声望:他是铁路大亨"准将"科尼利乌斯·范德比尔特(1794年至1877年)的儿子和继承人,当时被认为是美国首富。桌子的整体形状、狮子爪脚和风格化的棕榈让人想起罗马帝国的大理石家具;桌面每个角落都围着一颗星星的花环与拿破仑时期的纹章相呼应;两端的地球仪暗示范德比尔特掌握着世界;1821年5月8日,范德比尔特出生的那天,桌面上呈现了北半球的星空。
介绍(英)Herter Brothers, the New York firm of the German-born brothers Gustave and Christian Herter, was arguably the leading cabinetmaking and decorating firm in the United States during the late nineteenth century. Formed at a time when wealthy American financiers and industrialists were redefining luxurious standards of living, Herter Brothers created cosmopolitan environments encompassing every aspect of interior design, including furniture and woodwork, wall and ceiling decoration, floor treatments and draperies, for some of the most visible and affluent clients of the era. Between 1879 and 1882, Herter Brothers designed and decorated William Henry Vanderbilt's new Fifth Avenue mansion. This monumental table was the centerpiece of his library, and complemented the paneling of the room in its use of rosewood with lavish mother-of-pearl and brass inlay. Although called a library table, it was never intended for study per se; rather, it was a piece of sculpture and a monument to Vanderbilt himself. The table alludes to Vanderbilt's power and prestige: he was the son and heir of railroad baron "Commodore" Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794–1877) and, at the time, was considered the richest man in America. The table's overall shape, lion-paw feet, and stylized palmettes recall the marble furniture of the Roman empire; the wreaths enclosing a star in each corner of the table top echo Napoleonic heraldry; the globes on each end imply that Vanderbilt had the world within his grasp; and the table top presents a celestial field with the stars over the northern hemisphere on the day Vanderbilt was born, May 8, 1821.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。