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品名(中)大主教Don Dalmau de Mur y Cervelló的祭坛和教堂
品名(英)Altar Predella and Socle of Archbishop Don Dalmau de Mur y Cervelló
策展部门修道院The Cloisters
创作者Francí Gomar【1443 至 1493】【西班牙人】
创作年份公元 1453 - 公元 1461
创作地区制造于: 西班牙, 阿拉贡, 萨拉戈萨(Made in: Spain, Aragon, Saragossa)
尺寸107 x 183 x 26 1/4 英寸 (271.8 x 464.8 x 66.7 厘米)
介绍(中)这座巨大的建筑横跨两层五个海湾,由萨拉戈萨大主教don Dalmau de Mur y Cervelló于1434年至1458/9年委托在大主教宫的小教堂中修建祭坛。上层(打算作为祭坛画或祭坛画的前身)包含五个场景:圣马丁或图尔将他的斗篷与一个乞丐分开,基督在梦中出现在他面前(左图);圣灵的降临(中间部分);圣特克拉听了保罗的讲道(最右边的小组),在她皈依后,被神圣的干预从燃烧的火焰中拯救了出来(右起第二个小组)。左下角(或socle)的两块外板中的每一块都显示了一个留着胡子的人,手里拿着大主教的纹章。重建后的祭坛上的中央盾牌上挂着十字架,描绘了基督大教堂(与十字架相关的乐器)

介绍(英)This massive structure, extending across five bays on two levels, was commissioned by don Dalmau de Mur y Cervelló, archbishop of Saragossa from 1434 to 1458/9, for an altar in the chapel of the archiepiscopal palace. The upper level (intended as the predella for the altarpiece or retable) contains five scenes: Saint Martin or Tours dividing his cloak with a beggar and Christ appearing to him in a dream (left panels); the Descent of the Holy Spirit (center panel); and Saint Thecla listening to the preaching of Paul (far right panel) and, after her conversion, being saved by divine intervention from burning fire (second panel from right). Each of the two outer panels on the lower left (or socle) shows a bearded figure carrying the coat of arms of the archbishop. The central shield on the reconstructed altar, festooned against a cross, depicts the Arma Christi (the instruments associated with the Crucifixion).

The structure is made of alabaster, a soft yet compact stone with a translucent glow. The workability of the material allowed the sculptor, Francí Gomar, to create exquisite details. Only a few traces of the original painting and gilding remain. According to a 1458 contract, the painter Tomás Giner (active 1458-80) was commissioned to paint and gild panels intended to stand above the predella. The unusual combination of painted altarpieces with a stone predella may have been a necessary measure to speed completion of the ensemble before the archbishop's death.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。