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品名(英)Santa Francesca Romana Clothed by the Virgin
策展部门罗伯特·雷曼典藏系列Robert Lehman Collection
创作者Antonio del Massaro da Viterbo【1445 至 1521】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1440 - 公元 1450
尺寸21 3/4 × 14 7/8 英寸 (55.2 × 37.8 厘米) Framed: 26 1/8 × 19 1/4 英寸 (66.4 × 48.9 厘米)
介绍(中)这幅面板画代表了《圣弗朗西斯卡·罗曼纳传奇》中的叙事。它与罗伯特·雷曼收藏馆的另一个展板以及巴尔的摩沃尔特斯美术馆和布拉格NárodníGalerie的展板一起,构成了一个更广泛的关于圣弗朗西斯卡·罗马纳生平的系列的一部分,据推测,该系列是为罗马圣玛丽亚·诺娃教堂绘制的。1468年,安东尼亚佐·罗马诺(Antoniazzo Romano)或他在托·德·斯佩奇(Tor de‘Specchi)Oblate修道院的工作室绘制了一幅壁画,描绘了她生活中的37集。这些壁画被认为是在圣弗朗西斯卡·罗曼娜去世后委托制作的,当时有人提出了她的封圣案例
介绍(英)This panel painting represents a narrative from the Legend of Santa Francesca Romana. Together with another panel in the Robert Lehman Collection and panels in the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, and the Národní Galerie, Prague, it formed part of a more extensive series on the life of Santa Francesca Romana, presumed to have been painted for the Church of Santa Maria Nuova in Rome. The complex of narrative scenes from which these panels come in turn formed the basis, in 1468, for a fresco cycle depicting thirty seven episodes from her life painted by Antoniazzo Romano or his workshop in the Oblate convent of Tor de' Specchi. The frescoes are thought to have been commissioned following the death of Santa Francesca Romana, when a case for her canonization was presented.
Santa Francesca Romana, founder of the Olivetan Oblates, lived from 1384 to 1440. Her cult as a beata was authorized in 1460, and she was finally canonized in 1608. In the Lehman panel, she is presented in a white cloak kneeling before the Virgin and Child, both of whom hold inscribed scrolls. The Virgin wears a golden cloak, which Saint Paul at the left wraps around Francesca Romana. Paul also holds a scroll. The scene takes place on a platform of cloud, and the Virgin and Child are surrounded by scarlet seraphim. At the right, Saint Mary Magdalene, cloaked in red, and Saint Benedict, in the foreground, hold a protective cloak around twenty members of the Olivetan order. Below the Gothic windows at left, an angel is engaged in carding golden threads with a warp and loom. Playing around the warp are two dogs and two cats. The narrative has been interpreted as signifying that the Oblate congregation was woven together by heavenly visions and was assailed by evil spirits in the form of cats and dogs, which were unable to break its threads.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。