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品名(英)The Blessed Ambrogio Sansedoni (1220–1286)
策展部门罗伯特·雷曼典藏系列Robert Lehman Collection
创作者Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)【1398 至 1482】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1447 - 公元 1465
尺寸整体, with engaged frame, 20 5/8 x 7 英寸 (52.4 x 17.8 厘米); painted surface 19 1/4 x 4 7/8 英寸 (48.9 x 12.4 厘米)
介绍(中)这幅壁画与雷曼收藏馆的另外两幅(1975.1.55和1975.1.33)和欧洲绘画系的三幅(1997.117.2;1997.117.3,32.100.95。目前的面板和描绘另一个站立人物的面板(The Blessed Andrea Gallerani,1975.1.55)构成了祭坛画的壁柱。神圣的安布罗吉奥·桑塞多尼(Ambrogio Sansedoni)有着多明尼加的习惯,左手拿着一本书,一只鸽子在他耳边低语。雷曼收藏中的附加面板和欧洲绘画中的三幅组成了一个叙事循环,描绘了14世纪多明尼加圣人锡耶纳的凯瑟琳的生活场景,她既是穷人的牧师,也是一位神秘主义者。这些展板是根据圣凯瑟琳的忏悔者卡普亚的雷蒙德于1385年写的一本圣凯瑟琳传记改编的,代表了她一生中第一个完整的绘画周期。这一系列作品可能是在1461年圣凯瑟琳被封为圣徒之后制作的,并被添加为先前存在的祭坛画的基础
与Pizzicaioli祭坛画推测相关的其他面板有:圣母的净化(锡耶纳的Pinacoteca Nazionale)、圣凯瑟琳与多明尼加习惯的投资(克利夫兰艺术博物馆)、圣凯瑟琳与乞丐(克利夫兰艺术馆)、圣Catherine向卡普亚的Raymond口述她的对话(底特律艺术学院),教皇面前的圣凯瑟琳(Thyssen Bornemisza基金会)、圣凯瑟琳之死(私人收藏)、十字架(荷兰国立美术馆,乌得勒支,存放在阿姆斯特丹国立美术馆),以及代表圣加尔加努斯和锡耶纳的圣伯多禄的壁柱雕像(?)。
介绍(英)This panel along with two others in the Lehman Collection (1975.1.55 and 1975.1.33) and three in the Department of European Paintings (1997.117.2; 1997.117.3, 32.100.95) belonged to an altarpiece, which may have been commissioned by the guild of the Pizzicaiuoli (purveyors of dry goods) in 1447 for their new chapel in the church of the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala in Siena. The present panel and that portraying another standing figure (The Blessed Andrea Gallerani,1975.1.55), formed pilasters of the altarpiece. The Blessed Ambrogio Sansedoni wears a Dominican habit amd holds a book in his left hand, as a dove whispers in his ear. The additional panel in the Lehman Collection and the three in European Paintings comprise a narrative cycle depicting scenes from the life of Catherine of Siena, a fourteenth-century Dominican saint, who was a minister to the poor as well as a mystic. The panels, based on a biography of Saint Catherine written in 1385 by her confessor Raymond of Capua, represent the first complete pictorial cycle of her life. This series may have been produced following Saint Catherine’s canonization in 1461 and added as a predella (base) to a preexisting altarpiece.
Additional panels that are conjecturally associated with the Pizzicaiuoli altarpiece are: the Purification of the Virgin (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena), Saint Catherine Invested with the Dominican Habit (Cleveland Museum of Art), Saint Catherine and the Beggar (Cleveland Museum of Art), Saint Catherine Dictating Her Dialogues to Raymond of Capua (Detroit Institute of Arts), Saint Catherine before a Pope (Thyssen-Bornemisza Foundation), Death of Saint Catherine (private collection), Crucifixion (Rijksmuseum Het Catharijneconvent, Utrecht, on deposit at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam), and pilaster figures representing Saint Galganus and Blessed Peter of Siena(?) (both Aartbischoppilijk Museum, Utrecht).
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。