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品名(英)Jar with Writing
策展部门伊斯兰艺术Islamic Art
创作年份公元 700 - 公元 999
创作地区发现或挖掘于: 伊朗, Qasr-i Abu Nasr(Found/excavated: Iran, Qasr-i Abu Nasr)
尺寸高 5 英寸 (12.7 厘米) 直径 3 11/16 英寸 (9.3 厘米)
介绍(中)这个罐子是在Qasr-i Abu Nasr发掘的,这是一个考古遗址,现在隶属于伊朗南部的现代设拉子。小镇和要塞位于保护山脉、水源和通往平原的道路交汇处的战略要地。从帕提亚时期(公元前3世纪-公元3世纪)到穆扎法里德时期(公元13-14世纪),该遗址至少间歇性地被占领,可追溯到萨珊王朝晚期(公元6世纪至7世纪)。


发掘表明,阿契美尼德的门道是从波斯波利斯(位于东北约50公里处的皇家遗址)拿走的建筑孢子,很可能是在10世纪,用来在Qasr-i Abu Nasr建造一座新建筑。使用早期建筑材料的做法,尤其是来自波斯波利斯这样一个极具象征意义的地方的建筑材料,反映了当地布依王朝统治者(945–1055)的特殊兴趣,他们试图通过与他们所在地区法尔斯的帝国历史联系,使他们的存在合法化。当时的历史和钱币来源告诉我们,该镇是一个纺织制造中心,有一个活跃的铸币厂。这座建筑周围似乎形成了一座墓地,很可能在15世纪之前一直是一座圣地

介绍(英)This jar was excavated at Qasr-i Abu Nasr, an archaeological site now attached to modern Shiraz in southern Iran. The small town and fortress were located at a strategic point at the intersection of protective mountains, water sources, and along roads entering the plain. The site was occupied, at least intermittently, from the Parthian period (3rd century B.C.–3rd century A.D.) to the Muzaffarid period (13th–14th century A.D.). The major occupation, including the extensive fortress, dates to the Late Sasanian period (6th–7th century A.D.).

The site was excavated by archaeologists from The Metropolitan Museum of Art for three seasons from 1932–1935, enticed by the presence of standing monumental doorways of the Achaemenid period (550–330 B.C.). Research was focused mostly on the site’s pre-Islamic remains, even though the material evidence confirmed the continued occupation in the Islamic period.

The excavation revealed that the Achaemenid doorways were architectural spolia that had been taken from Persepolis, the royal site that is located about 50 kilometers to the northeast, to erect a new structure at Qasr-i Abu Nasr, most likely in the tenth century. The practice of using earlier building materials, especially from such a highly symbolic place as Persepolis, reflects the specific interest of the local Buyid rulers (945–1055) who sought to legitimize their presence through associations with the imperial past of their region, Fars. Historical and numismatic sources of the time inform us that the town was a textile manufacture center and had an active mint. The building, around which a cemetery seems to have developed, most likely functioned as a shrine up to the 15th century.

This double-handled jar bears inscriptions in black ink, written vertically to cover the entire vessel’s body. Although difficult to decipher, the inscriptions seem to repeat similar phrases, possibly with the formula basmala (in the name of God), a pattern that recalls the apotropaic writings on earlier bowls and on Islamic-period magic and talismanic devices in a variety of media. The jar was found together with a similar example (33.175.178) near the Buyid-period building. If this was indeed a shrine, and if the finding location relates to the jars’ use, it is tempting to suggest that the devotional use of the space was connected to the function of these magic vessels.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。