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策展部门美国之翼The American Wing
创作年份公元 1760 - 公元 1800
创作地区可能制造于: 美国, 康涅狄格州(Probably made in: United States, Connecticut)
尺寸96 1/2 x 56 1/4 x 77 1/4 英寸 (245.1 x 142.9 x 196.2 厘米)
介绍(中)这个床架的起源可以基于它所制成的桦树和白松来假设。其他证据表明康涅狄格州中部有一个消息来源:它在韦瑟斯菲尔德有所有权的历史,它的脚柱是东温莎的Eliphalet Chapin制造的家具的小型版本。床架支撑着一套独特的 18 世纪原始织物覆盖的檐口——这是已知唯一幸存的美国檐口,这些檐口是在木头上雕刻的,上面有穿孔的装饰图案,然后织物被熟练地粘在木头上。檐口上的织物就是所谓的"蓝色抗蚀剂",这是一种通过几个步骤进行靛蓝染色以形成大型花卉图案的棉花。它很可能在印度生产,然后进口到英国,从英国进口到美洲殖民地。它在哈德逊河谷、长岛和康涅狄格州特别受欢迎。
介绍(英)A New England origin can be assumed for this bedstead based on the birch and white pine of which it is made. Other evidence suggests a source in central Connecticut: it has a history of ownership in Wethersfield and its foot-posts are diminutive versions of furniture made by Eliphalet Chapin in East Windsor. The bedstead supported a unique set of original eighteenth-century fabric-covered cornices—the sole surviving American ones known, which were carved in wood with pierced decorative patterns before the fabric was expertly glued to the wood. The fabric on the cornices is what is known as "blue resist", a type of cotton that was indigo-dyed in several steps to create the large floral pattern. It was most likely produced in India, and then imported to England, and from England to the American colonies. It was especially popular in the Hudson River Valley, Long Island, and Connecticut.
The small pulley wheels embedded into the three bed cornices (one narrow foot cornice and two longer side cornices) reveal how the bed curtains on the bed would have been hung. The fabric for the curtains was nailed directly onto the cornices, in the flat area beneath the carved section. Small rings would have been attached to the back of the curtains in a curve from bottom to top. A narrow rope or twine would have been threaded through the rings, and then through the pulley mechanism. By pulling the ropes, the curtains could be pulled up into decorative "festoons" during the day. At night, when there was more need for warmth and privacy, the curtains would be lowered. The set also includes a plain piece of wood for the head of the bed—there are many nail holes in it, attesting to the fact that it supported the head cloth for the bed, which was probably taken down to be washed on occasion, and then nailed back up. All four pieces were fitted together to make the top part of the bed by mortice and tenon joints.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。