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品名(英)An Indian Yogi Tied to a Palm Tree
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Willem Schellinks【1623 至 1678】【荷兰人】
创作年份公元 1660 - 公元 1678
尺寸页: 10 7/8 × 8 1/16 英寸 (27.6 × 20.4 厘米)


与谢林克斯的莫卧儿图案和人物重新纹理化的画作不同,这幅画表现出对民族志真实性的兴趣。红色粉笔的触摸表示腰布和旗帜的颜色。石墨被用来澄清细节,特别是铁链。该图像可能是一个更大项目的一部分,和/或是对全球文化特别感兴趣的赞助人,比如Laurens van der Hem,Schellinks为他制作了其他外国地区的风景画


[1]劳伦斯·谢林斯(Laurens Schellinks)的遗嘱提到了一份(未经处理的)关于此次旅行的描述,以及一组"东印度群岛"图纸。Stijn Alstentens和Hans Buijs,《法国养老金:德辛és par Lambert Doomer et les artists hollandais et flamands des XVIe et XVIIe siècles》(巴黎:监护基金会,2008年),第52页,第15页;Jan de Hond在《阿姆斯特丹亚洲:黄金时代的奢华文化》(Salem and Amsterdam,2015),第293页。另见Sanjay Subrahmanyam,"镜子的房间:莫卧儿和法兰克人的巧妙拥抱,1550-1700",《东方艺术》(Ars Orientalis)39(2010):第39-83页;Corinna Forberg,《17年欧洲艺术展》中的不可预见的微型雕塑》。第18条。贾胡安德特人(彼得斯伯格:迈克尔·伊姆霍夫·维拉格,2015年)和斯蒂芬妮·施拉德(Stephanie Schrader)编辑,《伦勃朗与印度的启示》)(洛杉矶:J.保罗·盖蒂博物馆,2018年)

[2]参见Rachel Parikh,《莫卧儿的瑜伽:从练习到绘画》,《南亚研究》,31,第2期,第215-36页,DOI:10.1080/0266030.2015.1094207
介绍(英)As described in the extensive inscription in Schellinks’s hand, this drawing shows an Indian yogi chained to a tree; another figure bows before him, having brought him offerings of food. In the middle distance, another figure rides an elephant.

Schellinks is not known to have traveled to India, but his brother Laurens, a surgeon employed by the Dutch East India Company (VOC), seems to have done so.[1] This drawing could be Willem’s reconstruction, or re-imagination, of a sight described to him. It is equally possible, however, that he adapted the image from a Mughal painting, several examples of which are known to have been in the Dutch Republic in the mid-seventeenth century and to have inspired Schellinks to paint images incorporating Mughal motifs (and to write a poem about Indian art). It is plausible that he saw an image similar to the depiction of the emperor Babur visiting the ascetics of Gorkhatri (from the Baburnama manuscript in the British Library), which features members of the Nāth order not chained to but seated under trees with their legs bound in yogic poses with straps. Yogic practices were of great fascination to the Mughal emperors, particularly Akbar (1542-1605), for whom the depiction of his grandfather at Gorghatri and various others highly detailed images of yogis were painted.[2]

Unlike Schellinks’s paintings of recontextualized Mughal motifs and figures, the present drawing shows an interest in ethnographic authenticity. Touches of red chalk indicate the color of the loincloth and flag. Graphite is employed to clarify details, particularly the iron chain. The image could have been intended as part of a larger project and/or for a patron with a particular interest in global cultures, someone like Laurens van der Hem, for whom Schellinks produced landscape drawings of other foreign locales.

(JSS, 8/23/2018)

[1] Laurens Schellinks’s will refers to an (untraced) account of such a trip, as well as to a group of “East Indies” drawings. Stijn Alsteens and Hans Buijs, Paysages de France : dessinés par Lambert Doomer et les artistes hollandais et flamands des XVIe et XVIIe siècles (Paris: Fondation Custodia, 2008), p. 52, n. 15; Jan de Hond in Asia in Amsterdam: The Culture of Luxury in the Golden Age (Salem and Amsterdam, 2015), p. 293. See also Sanjay Subrahmanyam, “A Roomful of Mirrors: The Artful Embrace of Mughals and Franks, 1550-1700,” Ars Orientalis 39 (2010): pp. 39-83; Corinna Forberg, Die Rezeption indischer Miniaturen in der europäischen Kunst des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts (Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2015) and Stephanie Schrader, ed. Rembrandt and the Inspiration of India (Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2018).

[2] See Rachel Parikh, “Yoga under the Mughals: From Practice to Paintings,” South Asian Studies, 31, no. 2, pp. 215-36, DOI: 10.1080/02666030.2015.1094207
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