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品名(英)The Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 3rd, 1863
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Currier & Ives【1857 至 1907】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1863
尺寸图像: 15 11/16 x 22 3/8 英寸 (39.8 x 56.8 厘米) 页: 19 13/16 × 25 13/16 英寸 (50.3 × 65.6 厘米)
介绍(中)纽约平版印刷师兼出版商Currier & Ives在葛底斯堡战役后不久发行了这幅印刷品,以纪念联邦取得的胜利。图片下方的文字定下了基调:由

伟大的乔治·G·米德将军指挥的英勇的波托马克军团与李将军率领的东方叛军之间的这场可怕而血腥的冲突于 7 月 1 日星期三开始,并于 3 日星期五下午 5 点结束——决定性的战斗在星期五打响, 以叛军的彻底溃败和分散而告终——一个民族的感谢和不朽的名声永远为英勇的士兵的武器加冕,他们在这场漫长而绝望的战斗中以如此坚定的勇气战斗。

葛底斯堡战役被证明是邦联在本土与联邦交战的最后一次伟大努力,为期三天的战斗造成的伤亡比内战中任何其他战役都多,双方损失了40,000至50,000人。在前景中,米德将军指挥着丹尼尔·E·西克尔斯少将——这是一个历史性的不准确之处,因为西克尔斯在 7 月 3 日不在战场上,他在前一天因违反米德的命令而受伤。在背景中,激烈的战斗可能代表了皮克特的冲锋,这是7月3日的核心行动,12,500名同盟军袭击了公墓岭的联邦防线,并接近突破但被击退。战斗结束后,罗伯特·李率领他支离破碎的军队回到弗吉尼亚州,战争的焦点转移到南方的土地上。
介绍(英)The New York lithographer-publisher Currier & Ives issued this print soon after the Battle of Gettysburg to commemorate the dearly won Union victory. The text below the image sets the tone:

This terrific and bloody conflict between the gallant Army of the Potomac, commanded by their great General George G. Meade, and the hosts of the rebel Army of the East under General Lee, was commenced on Wednesday July 1st and ended on Friday the 3rd at 5 o’clock p.m.—The decisive battle was fought on Friday, ending in the complete rout and dispersion of the Rebel army.—A Nations thanks and undying fame ever crown the Arms of the heroic soldiers who fought with such unflinching bravery this long and desperate fight.

Gettysburg proved to be the Confederacy’s last great effort to engage the Union on home ground, and the three-day battle produced more casualties than any other in the Civil War with 40,000 to 50,000 lost on both sides. In the foreground General Meade directs Major General Daniel E. Sickles–an historical inaccuracy since Sickles was not on the field on July 3, having been wounded the day before after famously disobeying an order from Meade. In the background the fierce fighting likely represents Pickett's Charge, the central action on July 3, where 12,500 Confederates assaulted the Union line on Cemetary Ridge and came close to breaking through but were repulsed. After the battle Robert E. Lee led his shattered army back to Virginia and the focus of the war shifted to Southern soil.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。