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品名(中)芭蕾舞剧《爱情的胜利》(Habitd d'Indienne du balet du Triomphe de l'amour)中一位印度女性的服装
品名(英)Costume of an Indian Woman from the Ballet "Triumph of Love" (Habit d'Indienne du balet du Triomphe de l'amour)
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Juan Dolivar【1641 至 1692】【西班牙人】
创作年份公元 1681 - 公元 1692
尺寸Plate: 12 3/16 × 7 7/8 英寸 (31 × 20 厘米) 页: 16 1/8 x 10 5/8 英寸 (41 x 27 厘米)
介绍(中)蚀刻和雕刻印度妇女服装的设计,这是芭蕾舞剧"Triomphe de l'Amour"(爱的胜利)服装设计系列的一部分,由胡安·多利瓦尔创作,由雅克·勒保特雷在让·贝雷恩设计后印刷。自 1680 年以来,Berain 受托在"皇家音乐学院"绘制服装、舞台布景和皇家仪式的图纸,他巧妙的创作将鼠尾草和月桂叶、棕榈树和怪诞的树叶与舞者、杂技演员、猴子和色狼混合在一起,创造了他自己的、富有想象力的戏剧世界。他的设计通过雕刻成倍增加和传播,他的设计图案和方式对象在 17 世纪的最后几年变得极具影响力。像这幅版画一样,他的许多设计都是为皇家音乐学院的表演而设计的。

介绍(英)Etching and engraving with a design for a costume for an Indian woman, part of the collection of costume designs for the ballet 'Triomphe de l'Amour' (Triumph of Love), created by Juan Dolivar and printed by Jacques LePautre after a design by Jean I Berain. Entrusted with drawings for costumes, stage sets, and royal ceremonies at the 'Academie Royale de la Musique' since 1680, Berain's ingenious creations took acanthus and laurel leaves, palmettes and grotesques, mixing them with dancers, acrobats, monkeys and satyrs, to create his own, imaginative, theatrical world. His designs were multiplied and disseminated by means of engravings, his design motifs and manner objects becoming highly influential in the closing years of the seventeenth century. Like this print, many of his designs were for costumes intended for the performances of the Royal Academy of Music.

The plate consists of a ballet dancer in costume, slightly turned toward her left, holding a mirror with feathers and gemstones in her right hand. Her costume is made up of a tight bodice and short skirt, both decorated with horizontal strips of stones, possibly gold- or silver-colored stones, over a longer skirt with two slits in the front and a long train on the back. From the lower part of the bodice hang long feathers, and the borders of the skirts are also made up of strips of feathers. The puff sleeves are adorned by a cuff above the elbow, which is surrounded by more feathers, and strips of feathers hand from the cuff, which wraps around her forearm. She wears wight hose and calf-length boots, also decorated with feathers, and with an oval stone on the front. She wears a large headdress with gemstones and feathers, with a long gauze veil that flows behind her back; her neck is wrapped by a necklace of stones or pearls. Behind her, to the left, is a town enclosed by a crenellated wall with a door; to the right, is a group of factories bordering a lake.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。