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品名(英)Figures in an Outdoor Tavern
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Jan Asselijn【1610 至 1652】【荷兰人】
创作年份公元 1635 - 公元 1652
创作地区原产国: 荷兰(Country of Origin: The Netherlands)
尺寸页: 11 1/16 x 8 13/16 英寸 (28.1 x 22.4 厘米)

这幅画的扬·阿塞利恩(Jan Asselijn)是最重要的荷兰意大利艺术家之一。他的绘画和素描通常在阳光明媚的风景或意大利乡村的流派场景中展示古董废墟的如画景色。

蓝纸上的图画在Asselijn的作品中形成了一个独特的群体。过去,他们的作者身份一直受到质疑,因为他们的风格与艺术家的其他作品有很大不同。然而,安妮·夏洛特·斯特兰(Anne Charlotte Steland)在她关于艺术家素描的图录中,确定了一组由二十九幅蓝纸上的素描组成的核心组——包括这张纸——她认为,这是阿塞利恩的真实作品。[1]

其中许多图画的反面都用钢笔和棕色墨水刻有"Jan Asselijn"字样。这些可能是由艺术家威廉·谢林克斯(Willem Schellinks,1623-1678 年)撰写的,他在阿塞利因斯去世后获得了蓝纸上的绘画。


[1] A. C. Steland, Die Zeichnungen des Jan Asselijn, Fridingen: Graf Klenau, 1989, pp. 79-94.

[2] A. C. Steland, Die Zeichnungen des Jan Asselijn, Fridingen: Graf Klenau, 1989, p. 80; P. Schatborn,被温暖所吸引。 17世纪荷兰艺术家在意大利,阿姆斯特丹(国立博物馆),2001年,第108-09页。
介绍(英)In this dimly lit nightscape our attention is drawn to a figure in a cloak and hat, standing in the center of the picture plane. His appearance is lit by a source located behind the pillar next to him. Further to the left, various people are huddled together around a table, and in the right background a person is drawing water from a well.

Jan Asselijn, to whom this drawing is attributed, was one of the most important Dutch Italianate artists. His paintings and drawings typically show picturesque views of antique ruins in sunlit landscapes or genre scenes set in the Italian countryside.

Drawings on blue paper form a distinct group within Asselijn’s oeuvre. In the past, their authorship has been questioned, as their style shows significant differences with the artist’s other works. In her catalogue raisonné on the artist’s drawings, however, Anne Charlotte Steland has identified a core group of twenty-nine drawings on blue paper - including this sheet – which, she argues, are authentic works by Asselijn.[1]

Many of these drawings carry the inscription ‘Jan Asselijn’ in pen and brown ink on the verso. These may have been written by the artist Willem Schellinks (1623-1678), who, after Asselijns death, acquired his drawings on blue paper.

Asselijn made cunning use of the properties of the colored paper, brown washes and white highlights to effectively create the suggestion of form and depth as well as a sense of suspense in the dusky scene. This play with chiaroscuro recurs in the majority of Asselijn’s drawings on blue paper, and it seems he reserved the medium especially for such nightscapes.

[1] A. C. Steland, Die Zeichnungen des Jan Asselijn, Fridingen: Graf Klenau, 1989, pp. 79-94.

[2] A. C. Steland, Die Zeichnungen des Jan Asselijn, Fridingen: Graf Klenau, 1989, p. 80; P. Schatborn, Drawn to Warmth. 17th-Century Dutch Artists in Italy, Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum), 2001, pp. 108-09.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。