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品名(英)Clipper Ship "Red Jacket" – In the Ice off Cape Horn, on Her Passage from Australia, to Liverpool, August 1854
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Charles Parsons【1821 至 1910】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1855
尺寸图像: 16 1/8 × 23 11/16 英寸 (41 × 60.1 厘米) 页: 21 1/4 × 27 9/16 英寸 (54 × 70 厘米)
介绍(中)"红夹克"号是美国有史以来最大、最快的快船之一。它由波士顿的塞缪尔·哈特·普克(Samuel Hartt Pook)为业主Seacombe和Taylor设计了一个255英尺的甲板,由缅因州罗克兰的乔治·托马斯(George Thomas)建造,他于1853年11月推出。"红夹克"这个名字指的是Sa Go Ye Wat Ha("让他们保持清醒的人"),这位伟大的塞内卡演说家和领导人在美国独立战争期间帮助英国人,为他赢得了英国红色制服和绰号。革命后,萨戈耶瓦塔倡导和平,成为美洲原住民文化的捍卫者和易洛魁邦联的发言人,1792年,他带领易洛魁酋长前往费城,在那里他们同意调解边境战争。在1812年战争期间,萨戈耶瓦塔与美国人一起对抗英国人。

1854 年 1 月,"红夹克"号首次从纽约穿越北大西洋航行到英国利物浦,在那里,一位新的英国船主为她配备了澳大利亚移民和货物运输。1854 年 5 月,白星航运公司租用这艘船航行到澳大利亚墨尔本,经过 69 天后抵达那里,约有 450 名乘客(其中 16 人乘坐头等舱),这是当时第二快的记录。1855年,纳撒尼尔·柯里尔(Nathaniel Currier)出版了这幅版画,描绘了"红夹克"在回程中被困在合恩角附近的冰原中四天。这条路线涉及绕南美洲顶端的合恩角航行,在一年中的某些时候,从南极洲漂浮的狂风、大浪和冰山以及浮冰使南太平洋和南大西洋之间的海域难以航行。尽管有这样的延误,这艘船在七十三天内到达利物浦,所有乘客和有价值的黄金货物 - 据报道约为45,000盎司。这艘快船的速度成为未来乘客的卖点;直到 1860 年代初,"红夹克"号继续在英格兰和澳大利亚之间来回运送乘客和货物。

纳撒尼尔·柯里尔(Nathaniel Currier)于1835年在纽约成功创办了平版印刷公司,他制作了数千张不同尺寸的手工彩色印刷品,共同创造了十九世纪中后期美国生活及其历史的生动全景。人们急切地获得这种石版画,这些石版画具有风景如画的风景、乡村和城市景观、船舶、铁路、肖像、狩猎和捕鱼场景、家庭生活和许多其他主题,作为装饰房屋或商业场所的廉价方式。随着公司的扩张,纳撒尼尔将他的弟弟查尔斯纳入了公司。1857年,詹姆斯·梅里特·艾夫斯(自1852年以来一直是公司的会计师,查尔斯的姐夫)成为商业伙伴;随后更名为Currier & Ives,公司一直持续到1907年。
介绍(英)"Red Jacket" ranks among the largest and fastest American clipper ships ever built. Designed with a 255-foot deck by Boston-based Samuel Hartt Pook for the owners Seacombe and Taylor, it was built by George Thomas in Rockland, Maine, who launched it in November 1853. The name "Red Jacket" refers to Sa Go Ye Wat Ha, ("he who keeps them awake"), the great Seneca orator and leader who had aided the British during the American Revolution, earning him his British red uniform and nickname. After the Revolution, Sagoyewatha championed peace, became a defender of native American culture and a spokesman for the Iroquois confederacy in 1792, when he led Iroquois chiefs to Philadelphia, where they agreed to mediate in frontier war. During the War of 1812, Sagoyewatha fought with the Americans against the British.

In January 1854, "Red Jacket" made her first voyage from New York across the north Atlantic to Liverpool, England, where a new British owner outfitted her for Australian immigrant and cargo transport. In May 1854, the White Star Line chartered the ship to sail to Melbourne, Australia, where it arrived after sixty-nine days with approximately 450 passengers (16 of them traveling in first class cabins) -- the second fastest record at that time. In 1855, Nathaniel Currier published this print depicting the "Red Jacket" in the midst of its return journey, when it was trapped for four days in an ice field off Cape Horn. The route involved sailing round Cape Horn at the tip of South America, where, at certain times of the year, fierce winds, large waves and icebergs and ice floes floating from Antartica made the seas between the South Pacific and South Atlantic treacherous to navigate. Despite this delay, the ship reached Liverpool in seventy-three days with all its passengers and a valuable gold cargo -- reportedly about 45,000 ounces. This clipper's speed became a selling point to future passengers; "Red Jacket" continued to transport passengers and cargo back and forth between England and Australia until the early 1860s.

Nathaniel Currier, whose successful New York-based lithography firm began in 1835, produced thousands of hand-colored prints in various sizes that together create a vivid panorama of mid-to-late nineteenth century American life and its history. People eagerly acquired such lithographs featuring picturesque scenery, rural and city views, ships, railroads, portraits, hunting and fishing scenes, domestic life and numerous other subjects, as an inexpensive way to decorate their homes or business establishments. As the firm expanded, Nathaniel included his younger brother Charles in the business. In 1857, James Merritt Ives (the firm's accountant since 1852 and Charles's brother-in-law) was made a business partner; subsequently renamed Currier & Ives, the firm continued until 1907.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。