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品名(英)The Adoration of the Magi
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Correggio (Antonio Allegri)【1514 至 1534】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1512 - 公元 1522
尺寸11-7/16 x 7-3/4 英寸 (29.1 x 19.7 厘米)

A. E. Popham首先将大都会博物馆的纸张与Correggio的画作《贤士的崇拜》(约1517年)中左侧的主题进行了比较,该画作今天在米兰布雷拉美术馆。这幅画和布雷拉的绘画在2008年("Correggio e l'antico",罗马博尔盖塞美术馆)和2015年("Il Primato del Disegno",米兰布雷拉美术馆)的两个展览中首次在其现代历史上重新组合。相对完成的大都会图纸在左右边框上被切割。它以相对较高的垂直设计解决方案呈现了崇拜的构图,与布雷拉绘画中主题的排列形成鲜明对比,后者采用水平格式,人物的配置是镜像方向。在大都会绘画的剖面图中可以看到坐在膝盖上的圣母群,似乎比布雷拉画中这些人物的相对正面设计更具纪念意义。现存的科雷焦只有大约100幅画作,他的早期画尤其罕见。

大都会的纸张可以追溯到 1517-19 年左右,因为它与他的布雷拉画作有关,并且某些人物形式的纪念性预示着他大约 1519 年的圣保罗相机壁画。特别是,令人愉快的胖乎乎的拉斐尔式坐着的基督孩子与布雷拉画作中的圣婴完全不同,他似乎更接近曼特尼亚的Trivulzio Madonna(米兰斯福尔扎城堡公民博物馆)中的类型。大都会床单中的孩子类似于后来的圣保罗相机的眼睛中壁画的小天使的物理类型。在大都会画作中,跪着的老年法师卡斯珀(Casper)在前景中心亲吻孩子的脚(他的外表在布雷拉画作中再次大不相同)再现了年轻的科雷焦(Correggio)的画作《基督离开母亲》(约1515年)中跪着的基督的姿势(伦敦国家美术馆)。伦敦画作中的救世主帷幔也显示出与大都会画作中的魔术师卡斯珀类似的纪念性。

科雷焦巧妙地利用了左上角纸张的纯净、朴素的白色,唤起了刺眼的阳光进入现场。这幅画最接近的风格比较之一是红色粉笔纸,描绘了一个女人驾驶两匹马的战车(Kupferstichkabinett inv. c. 1896-31,德累斯顿;Muzzi和Di Giampaolo,1988年,第6期)。学者们一再注意到北欧的影响在绘画和布雷拉绘画中都很明显,特别是雨果·凡德戈斯在构图中的呼应和阿尔布雷希特·丢勒在一些细节上的呼应。左边那匹笨拙的马,类似于艺术家德累斯顿画中的马,也让人想起曼特尼亚画作中的动物,例如汉普顿宫画布 IX:朱利叶斯凯撒在他的战车上的马(英国皇家收藏)或帕纳苏斯的水星飞马(巴黎卢浮宫博物馆)。

科拉多·利玛窦(Corrado Ricci)对科雷焦的大都会画作的作者身份表示了不合理的怀疑,他没有在纽约研究过原作中的这张纸,将其重新归因于雅各布·赞吉迪"贝尔托亚"(1544-1574),而乔瓦尼·戈迪和朱塞佩·西里洛则认为这是乔治·甘迪尼·德尔·格拉诺(Giorgio Gandini del Grano,卒于 1538 年)的作品,他是科雷焦最亲密的追随者之一。然而,波帕姆正确地主张科雷焦是这幅画的作者,后来的学者都毫不犹豫地接受了这一观点(见此处参考书目)。面部类型,红色粉笔与白色水粉的图形组合,以创造光泽和sfumato,右侧站立法师的帷幔的激动风格让人想起戴安娜在圣保罗相机壁画中的战车,以及对曼特尼亚人物的唤起,都是科雷焦在十六世纪第二个十年的作品的特征。

介绍(英)It is possible Correggio produced this drawing as an autonomous work in and of itself, as a proud display of his draftsmanship, rather than as a preparatory study for a painting, given the state of surface elaboration of the design and the degree of completion of the details. Be this as it may, none of the artist's later drawings would exhibit a similarly finished composition.

A. E. Popham first compared the Metropolitan Museum sheet to the motif at left in Correggio's painting of the Adoration of the Magi, of ca. 1517, today in the Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan. The drawing and the Brera painting have been reunited for the first time in their modern history for two exhibitions done in 2008 ('Correggio e l'antico,' Galleria Borghese, Rome) and 2015 ('Il Primato del Disegno,' Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan.) The relatively finished Metropolitan drawing has been cut on the left and right borders. It presents the composition of the Adoration in a relatively tall, vertical solution of the design, in contrast to the arrangement of the subject in the Brera painting, which is in a horizontal format and in which the disposition of the figures is in a mirror orientation. The group of the Virgin with the seated Christ Child on her lap is seen in a profile view in the Metropolitan drawing, and seems more monumental than the relatively frontal design of these figures in the Brera painting. Only about 100 drawings by Correggio are extant, and his early drawings are particularly rare.

The Metropolitan sheet can be dated around 1517-19, because of its relationship to his Brera painting and the monumentality of form of certain figures which anticipates his Camera di San Paolo frescoes of ca. 1519. In particular, the delightfully chubby, Raphaelesque seated Christ Child is quite unlike the holy infant in the Brera painting, who seems instead closer to the type in Mantegna's Trivulzio Madonna (Museo Civico di Castello Sforzesco, Milan). The Child in the Metropolitan sheet resembles the physical types of the cherubs frescoed in the oculi of the later Camera di San Paolo. The figure of the kneeling elderly magus, Casper, kissing the Child's foot at center foreground in the Metropolitan drawing (his appearance is again quite different in the Brera painting) reprises the pose of the kneeling Christ in the young Correggio's painting of Christ Taking Leave of his Mother, of ca. 1515 (National Gallery, London). The Savior's draperies in the London painting also reveal a similar monumentality of form to that of the magus Casper in the Metropolitan drawing.
The early date of the Metropolitan drawing is confirmed by its technique in red chalk (of partly unblended and partly smudged strokes of diagonal parallel-hatching) with soft white gouache highlights. The artist privileged the effects of light and atmosphere. Part of the composition is enveloped in the shadows cast by the architectural structure of the stable at right and these gradually recede to the soft luminosity of daylight toward the left side of the composition that takes place in the outdoors.

Correggio brilliantly exploited the pure, unadorned whiteness of the paper at upper left to evoke the harsh sunlight entering upon the scene. One of the closest stylistic comparisons for this drawing is the sheet in red chalk depicting a Woman Driving a Chariot with Two Horses (Kupferstichkabinett inv. C. 1896-31, Dresden; Muzzi and Di Giampaolo 1988, no. 6). Scholars have repeatedly noted the Northern European influences apparent in both the drawing and the Brera painting, particularly the echoes of Hugo van der Goes in the composition and of Albrecht Dürer in some of the details. The awkwardly drawn horse at left, which resembles that in the artist's Dresden drawing, is also evocative of such animals in Mantegna's paintings, as for example, the horse in the Hampton Court Canvas IX: Julius Caesar on his Chariot (Royal Collection, Great Britain) or the Pegasus of Mercury in the Parnassus (Musée du Louvre, Paris).

Unjustified doubts about Correggio's authorship of the Metropolitan drawing were expressed by Corrado Ricci, who, in his not having studied the sheet in New York in the original, reattributed it to Jacopo Zanguidi "Bertoia" (1544-1574), while Giovanni Godi and Giuseppe Cirillo suggested it was by Giorgio Gandini del Grano (died 1538), one of Correggio's closest followers. Popham, however, rightly advocated Correggio's authorship of the drawing, and subsequent scholars have all accepted this opinion without hesitation (see here Bibliography). The facial types, the pictorial combinations of red chalk with white gouache to create luster and sfumato, the agitated style of the draperies of the standing magus at right which recalls those of Diana in her Chariot in the fresco of the Camera di San Paolo, and the evocation of Mantegna's figures, are all characteristic of Correggio's work in the second decade of the sixteenth century.

(Carmen C. Bambach, 2015)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。