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品名(英)Christ Carrying the Cross
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Pierre Mignard【1612 至 1695】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1679 - 公元 1689
尺寸17 1/2 x 22 15/16 英寸 (44.5 x 58.2 厘米)
介绍(中)在十二岁时与风格主义画家让·布歇·德·布尔日(Jean Boucher de Boges)进行第一次训练后,皮埃尔·米尼亚尔(Pierre Mignard)于1630年进入沃埃在巴黎的工作室,在那里他一直待到1634年,然后在次年前往罗马。在长达二十多年的逗留中,米尼亚德研究了文艺复兴时期和卡拉奇画派大师的作品,并发展了他自然的肖像画设施。在17世纪下半叶,他将成为法国古典主义最重要的主角之一,他优雅的历史画反映了他在意大利长期逗留的影响。在与查尔斯·勒布伦(Charles Le Brun)进行了数十年的激烈竞争之后,勒布伦的支持者让-巴蒂斯特·科尔伯特(Jean-Baptiste Colbert)于1683年去世,为米尼亚尔获得皇家委托扫清了道路。1690年勒布伦去世后,米尼亚德最终被授予佩因特雷总理和皇家学院院长的职位。
这本非常详细的作曲研究是为米尼亚德的《背负十字架的基督》(巴黎卢浮宫博物馆)撰写的。这幅画布于 1684 年完成,受到当代作家的广泛赞誉,并作为科尔伯特的儿子塞涅利侯爵的礼物进入路易十四的收藏。米尼亚德一定对这个大型红色粉笔研究中复杂构图的编排感到满意,因为他将纸张平方以进行转移,尽管某些细节最终会改变。在画中,一对母子取代了前景中指向基督的坐着的男性围观者,省略了维罗妮卡跪在基督面前的身影,带领游行队伍的年轻人消失了,而三个奔跑的孩子被添加进来。
介绍(英)After first training with the mannerist painter Jean Boucher de Bourges at the age of twelve, Pierre Mignard entered Vouet’s studio in Paris in 1630, where he would stay until 1634, before leaving for Rome the year after. In a sojourn that lasted over twenty years, Mignard studied the works of the masters of the High Renaissance and the Carracci school and developed his natural facility for portraiture. In the second half of the 17th century, he would become one of the most significant protagonists of classicism in France, his elegantly crafted history paintings reflecting the influence of his extended stay in Italy. After engaging for decades in a fierce rivalry with Charles Le Brun, the death in 1683 of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Le Brun’s backer, cleared the way for Mignard to receive royal commissions. Mignard was finally granted the positions of Premier Peintre and director of the Académie royale following Le Brun’s death in 1690.
This highly detailed compositional study is for Mignard’s Christ Carrying the Cross (Musée du Louvre, Paris). Completed in 1684, the canvas was widely acclaimed by contemporary writers and entered the collection of Louis XIV as a gift of Colbert’s son, the Marquis de Seigneley. Mignard must have been pleased with the orchestration of the complex composition in this large red chalk study, for he squared the sheet for transfer, although certain details would ultimately be changed. In the painting, a mother and child replace the seated male onlooker pointing towards Christ in the foreground, the figure of Veronica kneeling before Christ is omitted, and the young man leading the procession has disappeared while three running children have been added.
Despite the large number of figures, the complex composition is rendered with clarity. The way to Calvary is portrayed with all the vigor characteristic of Mignard’s works. The tragic dimension of the scene is conveyed by the attitudes and facial expressions of the figures, progressing from fear and terror to pain. In the background, Golgotha, the site of Christ’s crucifixion, dominates the rolling landscape. This ambitious sheet with its beautiful figure groupings recalling Italian prototypes, represents an advanced stage of planning for one of Mignard’s greatest works.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。