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品名(英)Saint Jerome Praying in a Landscape.
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Niccolò dell' Abate【1509 至 1571】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1550 - 公元 1560
尺寸8 3/8 x 6 9/16 英寸 (21.2 x 16.6 厘米)

卡门·C·班巴赫(Carmen C.Bambach)在被一位匿名的16世纪埃米利亚艺术家收购后不久,初步提出将这幅画归于埃米利亚风格主义者尼科洛·德尔·阿巴特(Niccolòdell'Abate,1512-1571)。圣杰罗姆(Saint Jerome)有力的肌肉,双手宽大,手腕弯曲,躯干有点夸张的结节,以及人物上白色水粉突出部分的有力、平行阴影应用,以及大气、难以言喻的绘画景观,所有这些都证实了对尼科洛·德尔阿巴特的归因很可能是正确的。年老的圣杰罗姆肌肉发达的人像与尼科洛成熟的、留着胡子的、长着头发的男性雕像完全相似(Kupferstickabinet inv.KDZ 22194,柏林;德文郡收藏inv.131[Jaffécat.no.437],查茨沃斯;大英博物馆,伦敦;Yvonne Tan Bunzl,1976[绘画和版画部照片档案馆])。白色水粉突出部分的控制执行与非常鲜明的色调对比,但以精细的平行阴影,也与艺术家的许多作品非常相似(《木卫三的强奸》,Woodner Family Collection,纽约;八幅天使手持激情乐器的画,Ecole des Beaux Arts inv。EBA 2B,巴黎;慕尼黑桑姆隆Graphische体育场;皮尔庞特·摩根图书馆,纽约)

这里对景观的大气处理似乎更为微妙,但似乎与其他床单的大气处理相当(德文郡收藏目录131[Jaffécat.no.437],查茨沃斯)。介质的处理和具有主要大气景观的成分类型都表明,其年代可能在1550-60年,也就是尼科洛抵达法国前后的过渡时期(1552年5月)。然而,古色古香的建筑和精美的风景画也让人想起了他著名的尤里德派和阿里斯塔克斯画作(伦敦国家美术馆)和普罗瑟皮纳强奸案(巴黎卢浮宫博物馆),由Sylvie Beguin于1560-65年左右绘制(见"Niccolådell Abbate en France",《法国艺术:古代与现代艺术年鉴》,第2期(1962年),第113-145页)。关于主题与艺术家职业生涯的相关性,费德里科·泽里(Federico Zeri)的一幅1550年代的画作首次被正确地归因于尼科洛(Niccolò),描绘了肌肉发达的圣杰罗姆跪在一个巨大的大气景观的前景中的右边,那里有古董风格的废墟(Palazzo Pallavicini Rospigliosi,罗马;在Daniela di Castro、Anna Maria Pedrochi和Patricia Waddy中进行了说明和讨论,Il Pallavicini Rospigliasi Palace e la Galleria Pallavicini,罗马-都灵-伦敦,1999年,第91-93页)

(Carmen C.Bambach,2004)
介绍(英)This expressive, highly finished composition of strongly inflected 'chiaroscuro' portrays a muscular nude figure of Saint Jerome seated within a cave, and surrounded by his various attributes: the lion, the cardinal's hat, the crucifix, the human skull of the memento mori, and the stones of self-mortification. Behind the cave, a luscious landscape with Antique-style buildings, seen as if far in the distance, is sketched almost exclusively with the brush and white gouache in the upper left of the composition. The pen and ink with wash medium is handled with great technical virtuosity, and the effects of light and shadow seem exquisitely atmospheric on the hair and beard of the saint, on the trees, and on the columns of the buildings. There, the artist's application of the white gouache with the brush seems particularly dazzling for its painterly freedom.

An attribution of this drawing to the Emilian Mannerist, Niccolò dell'Abate (1512-1571), was tentatively proposed by Carmen C. Bambach, shortly after its acquisition as by an anonymous Emilian 16th century artist. The powerful muscularity of the figure of Saint Jerome, with large hands showing a Michelangelesque bent at the wrist, the somewhat exaggerated knobbliness of the torso, as well as the robust, parallel-hatched application of the white gouache highlights on the figure, and the atmospheric, ineffably painted landscape, all confirm that an attribution to Niccolò dell'Abate is most probably correct. The muscular, figural type of the elderly Saint Jerome is exactly comparable to Niccolo's mature, bearded, long-haired male figures (Kupferstichkabinett inv. KDZ 22194, Berlin; Devonshire Collection inv. 131 [Jaffé cat. no. 437], Chatsworth; British Museum, London; Yvonne Tan Bunzl, 1976 [Photo Archive of the Department of Drawings and Prints]). The controlled execution of the white gouache highlights applied with very stark contrasts of tone but in fine parallel hatching is also closely comparable to that in many sheets by the artist (The Rape of Ganymede, Woodner Family Collection, New York; the eight drawings of angels holding the instruments of the Passion, Ecole des Beaux Arts inv. EBA 2B, Paris; Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich; Pierpont Morgan Library, New York).

The atmospheric treatment of the landscape seems here more nuanced, but nevertheless seems comparable to that in other sheets (Devonshire Collection inv. 131 [Jaffé cat. no. 437], Chatsworth). Both the handling of the medium and the composition type with a predominant atmospheric landscape suggest a likely dating in 1550-60, that is during the years of transition around Niccolo's arrival in France (May 1552). Yet the delicate profusion of antique-style buildings and the exquisitely pictorial treatment of the landscape also recall his famous paintings of Euridice and Aristarchus (National Gallery, London) and the Rape of Proserpina (Musée du Louvre, Paris), dated by Sylvie Beguin around 1560-65 (see "Niccolò dell Abbate en France," Art de France: Revue annuelle de l'art ancien et moderne, no. 2 (1962), pp. 113-145). Regarding the relevance of the subjectmatter to the artist's career, a painting of the 1550s, first rightly attributed to Niccolò by Federico Zeri, portrays the muscular Saint Jerome kneeling toward the right in the foreground of an enormous atmospheric landscape with antique-style ruins (Palazzo Pallavicini Rospigliosi, Rome; illustrated and discussed in Daniela di Castro, Anna Maria Pedrocchi, and Patricia Waddy, Il Palazzo Pallavicini Rospigliosi e la Galleria Pallavicini, Rome-Turin-London, 1999, pp. 91-93).

(Carmen C. Bambach, 2004)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。