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品名(英)Seated Allegorical Figure of Divine Wisdom
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Carlo Maratti【1625 至 1713】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1674 - 公元 1677
尺寸17-5/8 x 14-7/16 英寸 (44.7 x 36.7 厘米)
介绍(中)在克莱门特十世阿尔铁里(1670-1676)的教皇任期内,他在罗马格苏广场的家族宫殿被扩建和重新装饰。卡洛·马拉蒂(Carlo Maratti)在1674年至1677年间受委托绘制主房间,但只有填充拱顶狭长中央部分的壁画被执行。拱顶的未装饰部分将包含代表宗教、信仰、神圣智慧和福音派真理的寓言人物。这张纸是这个从未完成的项目的文件,用红色粉笔大胆地执行,是神圣智慧寓言的预备研究。

拱顶的未装饰部分由真实或虚构的窗户隔开。根据马拉蒂的传记作者乔万·彼得罗·贝洛里(Giovan Pietro Bellori,1613-1696 年)的说法,大厅两端拱顶的四个部分分别包含代表宗教、信仰、神圣智慧和福音派真理的寓言人物。房间两侧长边窗户之间的六个拱肩 - 三个侧面 - 包含罗马与台伯河,和平,英雄美德,欧洲,非洲和亚洲与美国的代表。


梵蒂冈的案文中,对本主题的描述如下:"在古巴的稳定中,它使本主题更加稳定;Haverà il petto armato, e'l volto scintillante di raggi solari.Terrà nella destra il libro suggellato con li sette suggelli, di cui parla I'Apocalisse, interpretato per gli arcani della sapienza divina.Poserà l'altra mano, e'l braccio sopra un Agnello;poiche il principio della sapienza è il timore di Dio, e l'Innocenza.Sotto di essa apparirà l'Ignoranza fra' l'ornbre, con un lume spento, con gli occhi chiusi, e con gli orecchi asinini"(Montagu 1978年,第338页)。另一方面,贝洛里的《生命》中对这个主题的描述如下:"萨皮恩扎......Queella tiene lo scettro come governatrice dell'universo ed insieme il libro con i sette signacoli dell'Apolisse continente i divini misterii, ed appresso di lei un amorino celeste in sembianza cruccioso discaccia l'Ignoranza infida"(贝洛里,第598页)。本组合物涉及两种描述中提到的元素;梵蒂冈文本中提到的羔羊只能在右边辨别,贝洛里的"维塔"中描述的愤怒的普托出现在左边。

有关卡洛·马拉蒂(Carlo Maratti)为大都会艺术博物馆阿尔铁里宫大厅装饰的其他准备研究,请参见第64.295.1和61.169号(荣誉加冕美德),66.53.3(和平寓言),2008.334.1(普托研究)和65.206(天花板和裸体人物计划)。
介绍(英)During the pontificate of Clement X Altieri (1670-1676), his family palace on the Piazza del Gesù in Rome was enlarged and redecorated. Carlo Maratti was commissioned to paint the main room between 1674 and 1677, but only the fresco that fills the long, narrow central section of the vault was executed. The undecorated portions of the vault were to contain allegorical figures representing Religion, Faith, Divine Wisdom, and Evangelical Truth. A document for this never-completed project, this sheet, boldly executed in red chalk, is a preparatory study for the Allegory of Divine Wisdom.

The undecorated portions of the vault are divided by real or fictively painted windows. According to Maratti’s biographer Giovan Pietro Bellori (1613-1696), the four sections of the vaulting at the opposite ends of the Hall were to contain allegorical figures representing Religion, Faith, Divine Wisdom, and Evangelical Truth, respectively. The six spandrels between the windows on the two long sides of the room - three to a side - were to contain representations of Rome with the River Tiber, Peace, Heroic Virtue, Europe, Africa, and Asia with America.

In recent years some twenty-two drawings in collections here and abroad have been identified as preparatory studies by Maratti for the decoration of these spandrels; the most recent and complete listing of the drawings is supplied by Jennifer Montagu. Montagu has also discovered in the Vatican Library a manuscript that gives full descriptions of the iconography of each one of the spandrel subjects. However, this text, which appears to be a scribe's copy of Bellori's original program, speaks of twelve spandrel spaces, giving to Asia and America separate spaces and allotting a fourth spandrel on the other side to a representation of Time. In spite of the miscalculation about the number of spaces available, this manuscript offers iconographic descriptions that are more complete than those in Bellori's life of Maratti.

In the Vatican text the present subject is described in the following way: "La Divina Sapienza starà sedendo stabile septa un cubo; haverà il petto armato, e'l volto scintillante di raggi solari. Terrà nella destra il libro suggellato con li sette suggelli, di cui parla I'Apocalisse, interpretato per gli arcani della sapienza divina. Poserà l'altra mano, e'l braccio sopra un Agnello; poiche il principio della sapienza è il timore di Dio, e l'Innocenza. Sotto di essa apparirà l'Ignoranza fra' l'ornbre, con un lume spento, con gli occhi chiusi, e con gli orecchi asinini" (Montagu 1978, p. 338). On the other hand the subject is described in Bellori's Vita as follows: "divina Sapienza . . . quella tiene lo scettro come governatrice dell'universo ed insieme il libro con i sette signacoli dell'Apocalisse continente i divini misterii, ed appresso di lei un amorino celeste in sembianza cruccioso discaccia l'Ignoranza infida" (Bellori, p. 598). The present composition involves elements mentioned in both descriptions; the lamb mentioned in the Vatican text can just be discerned at the right, and the angry putto described in Bellori's ‘Vita’ appears at the left.

For other preparatory studies by Carlo Maratti for the decoration of the Great Hall of Palazzo Altieri in the Metropolitan Museum of Art see inv. nos. 64.295.1 and 61.169 (Virtue crowned by Honor), 66.53.3 (Allegory of Peace), 2008.334.1 (Study of a Putto), and 65.206 (Plan for a Ceiling and Nude Figures).
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。