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品名(英)Executioner Holding Up a Severed Head
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Giovanni Battista Piazzetta【1682 至 1754】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1682 - 公元 1754
尺寸15-15/16 x 10-1/2 英寸 (40.5 x 26.7 厘米)
介绍(中)这幅刽子手举起头的画可能是皮亚泽塔为他与"圣保罗的殉难"(意大利私人收藏)相提并论而构思的,其中一位类似的大胡子刽子手以略有不同的姿势出现。乌戈·鲁杰里(Ugo Ruggeri)是第一个指出这幅画中的人物是在威尼斯雷佐尼科宫(Ruggeri,1973年)的Piazzetta工作室创作的一幅小画作"圣欧罗西亚的殉难"中复制的。这幅画通常归因于威尼斯画家朱利亚·拉玛(Giulia Lama,1681-1747),鲁杰里被引导将这幅画和大都会艺术博物馆收藏的另一幅画(66.53.4)归因于这位相当衍生的艺术家。然而,我们的两幅画都显示出鲁杰里作为朱利亚·喇嘛作品呈现的图形材料所缺乏的活力和权威。如果她确实是雷佐尼科宫画作的画家,朱莉娅·拉玛一定只是从皮亚泽塔的人物剧目中借用了这位刽子手。

博物馆的图纸与已故的亚诺斯·舒尔茨(Janos Scholz)收藏的一张纸具有相似的出处和尺寸,贾诺斯·舒尔茨(Janos Scholz)是灰色纸上黑白粉笔的"手杖人",上面刻有铭文"Giambattista Piazzetta Venezi",当然是由所谓的"可靠的威尼斯人手"(Lugt 3005d)注释的,他是十八世纪的威尼斯绘画收藏家(见: 亚诺斯·舒尔茨收藏的威尼斯绘画展览目录,威尼斯 1957 年,第 62 页)。肖尔茨和大都会艺术博物馆的绘画可能是某些素描本的一部分:它们不仅在风格上相似,而且 Scholz 的图纸大小相同,并且沿着反面的所有边距粘贴了旧纸带与现在的纸张。同一素描本的一部分可能是巴黎卢浮宫博物馆的一幅画(5265 年),上面有"跪着的年轻女子朝右",还用"可靠的威尼斯之手"注释了"Giambattista Piazetta Venezi"。
介绍(英)This drawing of an executioner holding up a head was possibly conceived by Piazzetta for his paiting with "The Martyrdom of Saint Paul" (Private collection, Italy), where a similar mustachioed executioner appears in a slightly different pose. Ugo Ruggeri was the first to point out that the figure in this drawing was copied in a small painting executed by the workshop of Piazzetta, "The Martyrdom of Saint Eurosia", in the Ca' Rezzonico, Venice (Ruggeri 1973). The painting is generally ascribed to the Venetian painter Giulia Lama (1681-1747), and Ruggeri was led to attribute the present drawing and another drawing in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (inv. 66.53.4) to this rather derivative artist. However, both our drawings display a vigor and authority that is absent in the graphic material presented by Ruggeri as the work of Giulia Lama. If she was indeed the painter of the Ca' Rezzonico picture, Giulia Lama must have simply borrowed this executioner from Piazzetta's repertory of figures.

The Museum’s drawing share a similar provenance and dimension with a sheet in the collection of the late Janos Scholz, a "Man with a Cane" in black and white chalk on grey paper, which bears the inscription "Giambattista Piazzetta Venezi" certainly annotated by the so-called "Reliable Venetian hand" (Lugt 3005d), an eighteenth-century Venetian collector of drawings (see: Catalogue of the Exhibition of Venetian Drawings from the Collection Janos Scholz, Venice 1957, pl. 62). The Scholz and the Metropolitan Museum of Art drawing may have been part of some sketchbook: not only they are stylistically similar, but the Scholz drawing is the same size and has old bands of paper pasted along all the margins on the verso as the present sheet. Possibly part of the same sketchbook is a drawing in the Musée du Louvre, Paris (inv. 5265) with "Kneeling Young Woman Facing Right", also annotated "Giambattista Piazetta Venezi" in the "Reliable Venetian hand".
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。