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品名(英)The Head of a Woman in Profile Facing Left
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio【1467 至 1516】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1490 - 公元 1500
尺寸整体: 5 3/16 x 4 英寸 (13.2 x 10.2 厘米)
介绍(中)这个大大裁剪的女性头部(可能代表圣母)的设计与"麦当娜丽塔"(圣彼得堡冬宫博物馆)的有争议的派特非常吻合,许多早期评论家认为这是达芬奇本人的作品,但目前认为它大部分(如果不是完全是学生或追随者)的作品;彼得罗·C·马拉尼(Pietro C. Marani)提出了乔瓦尼·安东尼奥·博尔特拉菲奥(Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio)令人信服的归属,而大卫·A·布朗(David A. Brown)则倾向于将其归因于马可·德奥乔诺(Marco D'Oggiono),两人都于1490年在达芬奇的工作室中被记录下来。 与有关这幅画的问题无关,大都会博物馆零碎纸张的归属与 1490 年代达芬奇在米兰的学生的制作完全吻合,并且不像所建议的那样可以追溯到更晚的时期;典型的是蓝灰色金属点技术,均匀阴影线的绘制风格和图形类型。 本笔者认为,这幅画最接近乔瓦尼·安东尼奥·博尔特拉菲奥之手;虽然该研究似乎没有显示出Boltraffio的精确执行质量,但感知到的质量问题可能与图纸表面的磨损状况有关。 这张纸具有杰出的英国血统(彼得·莱利爵士;彭布罗克伯爵;彭布罗克拍卖,1917 年),但被弗朗切斯科·马拉古齐·瓦莱里错误地出版和插图(La Corte di Lodovico Il Moro,米兰,1917 年,第 3 卷,第 70 页,图 55)在"那不勒斯画廊"中,在文献中造成了相对混乱,并且无法令人信服地归因于贝纳迪诺·德孔蒂。 博物馆的图纸在1980年左右重新镶嵌,以反映女性人物的头部旨在向左倾斜的事实,如"麦当娜丽塔"(卡洛·佩德雷蒂在1974年指出;和大卫·A·布朗,1980年8月19日部门档案中的信)。 20 世纪早期的照片显示,这幅画在 17 世纪的彭布罗克山上安装得好像头部完全直立;彭布罗克安装本身符合彼得·莱利爵士收藏邮票的位置。 重新安装还纠正了这样一个事实,即右手金属点影线行程旨在沿对角线方向行驶。 (雅各布·比恩,15 世纪和 16 世纪意大利图纸,1982 年,第 121 页,第 112 号,以正确的方向复制了图纸,尽管测量有误)。 S·亚瑟·斯特朗似乎是第一个拒绝将这幅精美但受损的画作传统归于达芬奇本人的人,而是试探性地提出了安布罗焦·德·普雷迪斯和博尔特拉菲奥的名字。 比恩更喜欢更笼统地归因于莱昂纳多的右撇子米兰追随者。
介绍(英)The design of this greatly cropped female head (intended presumably to represent the Virgin) accords well with that of the controversial paiting of the "Madonna Litta" (State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg), which a number of early critics thought to be by Leonardo himself, but which is presently considered to be mostly, if not entirely the work of a pupil or follower; a convincing attribution to Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio has been advanced by Pietro C. Marani, while David A. Brown has tended to ascribe it to Marco D'Oggiono, both men being documented in Leonardo's studio in 1490. Independently from the questions regarding the painting, the attribution of the fragmentary Metropolitan Museum sheet accords perfectly well with the production of Leonardo's pupils in Milan in the 1490s, and does not date from a later period as has been suggested; typical are the technique of metalpoint on blue-gray, the drawing style with uniform hatching, and the figural type. In the present author's opinion, the drawing is closest to the hand of Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio; while the study does not appear to exhibit Boltraffio's precise quality of execution, the perceived problem of quality may have to do with the abraded condition of the drawing surface. The sheet is of distinguished British provenance (Sir Peter Lely; the Earls of Pembroke; Pembroke sale, 1917), but was erroneously published and illustrated by Francesco Malaguzzi Valeri (La Corte di Lodovico Il Moro, Milan, 1917, vol. 3, p. 70, Fig. 55) as being in the "Galleria, Naples," causing relative confusion in the literature, and with an unconvincing attribution to Bernardino de'Conti. The Museum's drawing was remounted in 1980, or thereabouts, to reflect the fact that the head of the female figure was intended to be seen inclined toward the left, as in the "Madonna Litta" (pointed out by Carlo Pedretti in 1974; and David A. Brown, letter in Department files August 19, 1980). Early 20th century photographs show the drawing mounted as if the head were in an entirely upright vertical profile on the 17th century Pembroke mount; the Pembroke mounting itself accords with the placement of Sir Peter Lely's collector stamp. The remounting also redresses the fact that the right-handed metalpoint strokes of hatching are meant to course in a diagonal direction. (Jacob Bean, 15th and 16th Century Italian Drawings, 1982, pp. 121, no. 112, reproduced the drawing in the correct orientation, albeit with erroneous measurements). S. Arthur Strong seems to have been the first to reject the traditional attribution of this fine but damaged drawing to Leonardo himself, and rather tentatively proposed the names of Ambrogio de Predis and Boltraffio. Bean preferred a more general attribution to a right-handed Milanese follower of Leonardo.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。