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品名(英)Allegory on the Fidelity of the Lizard (recto); Design for a Stage Setting (verso)
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Leonardo da Vinci【1452 至 1519】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1496
尺寸7 15/16 x 5 1/4英寸 (20.2 x 13.3厘米)
介绍(中)大都会教堂床单上精致的小剪彩无疑是为了在戏剧服装上获得奖牌,因此在主题上可能与巴尔达萨雷·塔科内(Baldassare Taccone)的《达那》(La Danae)或另一场节日的舞台上的装饰画有关。就其设计类型和绘画风格而言,大都会风格的正面绘画与另外两张以浮雕形式刻有小寓言场景的纸张非常相似,一张在剑桥(菲茨威廉博物馆,编号120-1961),另一张在巴约讷(博纳特博物馆,编号656);这三张纸都采用了相同的风格,即快速、强化的轮廓和精致的平行阴影,这是莱昂纳多在1490年代早期至中期绘画的典型风格,并且可以放置在离约1496年足够近的地方,作为一个终点,以达纳草图的大都会纸的verso为基础

正如莱昂纳多在《大都会报》封面上的铭文中所解释的那样,这幅素描描绘了一个睡在树旁的男人,而在他的右边,是一只绿色的蜥蜴,或"拉马罗",忠诚地试图战胜威胁他的草蛇("biscia"):"il ramarro。fedele allomo vede[n]do quello adorme[n]/tato。co[n]batte。cholla bisscia esse vede no[n]lla potere/vincere core sopra il uolto dello mo。ello dessta accioche/essa。bisscia no ffenda loadorme[n]tato。homo。"关于蜥蜴和睡着的人的具体寓言(尽管在莱昂纳多的笔记中没有其他典故)可以被解释为关于忠诚美德的寓言,忠诚美德通常由随之而来的警觉和保护品质来定义。莱昂纳多(Paris MS H,fol.9r=H1,fol.9r)将起重机描述为"fedeltàover lialtà"的类似例子,这是他在流行的印刷版《Fior di virtú》中密切重复的一个想法。这种动物寓言和寓言作品的视觉形象启发了莱昂纳多在1480年代末和1490年代的作品,他阅读了伊索寓言、中世纪野兽和老普林尼的《自然史》,以及他那个时代两本非常受欢迎的书,Cecco d‘Ascoli的《阿塞巴》和匿名的Fior di virtú,这些书的版本于1471年、1474年在威尼斯印刷,1477年、1488年、1491年及以后。到1490年代中期,莱昂纳多本人已经拥有了这些书籍的范本(参见约1493-95年的《大西洋法典》,fol.559r;以及约1503-5年的《马德里法典II》(inv.8936,fol.3r-2v):"plinjo"、"fiore de uirtu"和"ciecho dasscholj")。他还将普林尼、Cecco d‘Ascoli和匿名的Fior di virtú的段落,有时几乎一字不差地复制到约1493-94年的巴黎MS H1(fols.5r-27v)中(cfr.Marinoni 1986-90,MS H;Pietro C.Marani在Marinoni 1986年,第141页)

大都会博物馆的画幅描绘了1496年1月31日上演音乐喜剧《La Danae》的草图和注释。这部五幕喜剧由巴尔达萨雷·塔科内(Baldassare Taccone)创作,他是"Il Moro"的财政大臣,也是一位业余剧作家;拉达那是在加莱亚佐的哥哥、凯亚佐的伯爵吉奥万·弗朗西斯科·桑塞维里诺的家中表演的。根据奥维德的《变形记》(书4:611)改编,该剧的故事线讲述了阿尔戈斯国王阿克里修斯的女儿达娜的痛苦经历,她被伪装成金色淋浴的木星引诱,最终变身为一颗恒星,升入天堂。Taccone的文本确定了莱昂纳多图纸的确切日期,尽管教区的图纸可能稍早,从其主题与巴黎MS H的畅销笔记的密切关系来看,该笔记的确切日期可追溯到1493-94年。大都会美术馆图纸的背面描绘了这件作品舞台实际设计的快速工作草图,如莱昂纳多在约1490-92年的笔记(巴黎MS a,inv.2185,fol.27v)中所建议的那样,绘制为"con brevi segni"

(Carmen C.Bambach,2015)
介绍(英)The exquisite small sketch of a tondo on the recto of the Metropolitan sheet was undoubtedly intended for a medal on a theatrical costume, therefore perhaps related in theme to the verso sketches for the staging of Baldassare Taccone’s La Danae or another festa. In its type of design and drawing style, the recto drawing on the Metropolitan sheet is closely comparable to two other sheets with small allegorical scenes inscribed within a tondo shape, one in Cambridge (Fitzwilliam Museum inv. PD.120-1961) and the other in Bayonne (Musée Bonnat inv. 656); all three sheets are rendered with the same style of quick, reinforced outlines and delicate parallel-hatching typical of Leonardo’s drawings of the early to mid-1490s, and can be placed close enough to ca. 1496, as a terminus ante quem, based on the verso of the Metropolitan sheet with the Danae sketches.

As Leonardo explained at the top in the accompanying inscription on the recto of the Metropolitan sheet, the sketch portrays a man sleeping by a tree, while to his right, a green lizard, or “ramarro,” loyally attempts to overcome a grass snake (“biscia”) that threatens him: ““il ramarro . fedele allomo vede[n]do quello adorme[n]/tato . co[n] batte . cholla bisscia esse vede no[n]lla potere / vincere core sopra il uolto dello mo . ello dessta accioche / essa . bisscia no no ffenda loadorme[n]tato . homo.” The specific fable of the lizard and the sleeping man (though no other allusions to it exist in Leonardo’s notes) may be interpreted as an allegory on the virtue of fidelity, which is often defined by the attendant qualities of alertness and protectiveness. Cranes are described by Leonardo (Paris MS H, fol. 9r = H1, fol. 9r), as analogous examples of “fedeltà over lialtà,” an idea he closely reprised from an edition of the popular, printed Fior di virtù. Such visual imagery of animal fables and allegorical compositions inspired Leonardo’s work during the very late 1480s and 1490s, in reading Aesop’s fables, Medieval bestiaries, and Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis historia, together with two very popular books of his day, Cecco d’Ascoli’s L’Acerba and the anonymous Fior di virtù, editions of which were printed in Venice in 1471, 1474, 1477, 1488, 1491, and later. Leonardo himself had owned exemplars of these books by the mid-1490s (see inventories in Codex Atlanticus, fol. 559r, of ca. 1493-95; and Codex Madrid II (inv. 8936, fol. 3r-2v), of ca. 1503-5: “plinjo,” “fiore de uirtu,” and “ciecho dasscholj”). He also copied passages from Pliny, Cecco d’Ascoli, and the anonymous Fior di virtù, sometimes almost verbatim, into the Paris MS H1 (fols. 5r-27v), of ca. 1493-94 (cfr. Marinoni 1986-90, MS H; Pietro C. Marani in Marinoni 1986, p. 141).

The verso of the Metropolitan Museum sheet depicts sketches and notes intended for the staging of the musical comedy in rhyme, La Danae, on 31 January 1496. This comedy in five acts was written by Baldassare Taccone, chancellor to “Il Moro” and an amateur playwright himself; La Danae was performed at the house of Giovan Francesco Sanseverino, the count of Caiazzo and elder brother of Galeazzo. Based on Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Book 4:611), the story line of the play follows the travails of Danae, daughter of Acrisius, king of Argos, seduced by Jupiter disguised in the form of a shower of gold, and eventually transformed into a star, hoisted into heaven. Taccone’s text establishes the precise date of Leonardo’s sheet, although the drawing on the recto may possibly be somewhat earlier, to judge from its affinity of subject matter with the bestiary notes of the Paris MS H, which firmly dates to ca. 1493-94. The verso of the Metropolitan sheet depicts a quick, working sketch of the actual design for the staging of the piece, drawn “con brevi segni,” as counseled in Leonardo’s note (Paris MS A, inv. 2185, fol. 27v), of ca. 1490-92.

At upper left, a list of names, including that of Danae, identifies the actors for the roles in the performance. As is usual for Leonardo, the sense of his notes is from right to left, so that the numbers and fractions indicating measurements for the positioning of each actor on stage precedes his name; it is possible that the Danae was staged on a moving platform, operated by machinery, which would have required a precise placement of the actors. The sketches render the stage design in an elevation, a plan, and a “bird’s eye view.” According to Leonardo's note on the verso of the Metropolitan sheet, Acrisius, king of Argos and the father of Danae, was to be played by Gian Cristofano, the gardener Sirus by Baldassare Taccone, while Danae, the headstrong princess and main character, was to be acted by a young man (not unusual for the time), Francesco Romano. The god Mercury, who was to descend from Olympus hoisted from a rope and pulley, was to be played by Gian Battista da Osimo. The lecherous god Jupiter, who transformed himself into a shower of gold to impregnate Danae, was to be portrayed by Gian Francesco Tanzio. The piece also included roles for a servant and for at least one “heavenly messenger” (“annuntiatore”). In the elevation sketch at left, the enthroned figure surrounded by an aureole of flames is Jupiter, the seducer of Danae.
(Carmen C. Bambach, 2015)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。