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品名(英)Endymion Sleeping
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri)【1591 至 1666】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1635 - 公元 1650
尺寸页: 8 3/8 x 9 3/4 英寸 (21.2 x 24.8 厘米)

丹尼斯·马洪爵士(见此处"参考文献":马洪 1967 年,第 8 页)首先认为这幅画是为墨西拿的唐·安东尼奥·鲁福绘制的现已失传的恩底弥翁全长画作的研究。这张照片的付款记录在 1650 年 3 月的一份文件中(由 Giampetrino Zanotti 在 Carlo Cesare Malvasia, Felsina pittrice, Vite de'pittori bolognesi, Bologna, 1841, vol. II, p. 331: 在 1650 年 - " Il dì 2 Marzo。/ Dal Sig. Pietro Antonio Davìa si è ricevuto ducatoni N. 100 per parte del Sig. D. Antonio Ruffo da Messina, per pagamento dell' Endimione figura intera, e questi fanno lir.500 e le monete furono dobloni N.17 che fanno dobble d'Italia N. 34 che sono lir.503. 4 con il costo della cassetta, e subbio -- scudi 125 lire 3.4.")。总的来说,Guercino的"Libro de' conti"(账簿)记录了以Endymion为主题的五幅画作,其中包括达维亚在十四年的时间里的画作。其中四个专门描述了半位数。1644 年 12 月、1647 年 9 月、1657 年 11 月和 1658 年 5 月,Guercino 的 Libro dei conti 记录了这些付款(分别见 Malvasia in Zanotti,1841 年,第 325、328、338 和 338 页)。

只有为唐·安东尼奥·鲁福(Don Antonio Ruffo)执行的图片完整地描绘了沉睡的恩底弥翁(见同前,第331页,1650年3月2日)。Guercino本人在给Don Antonio Ruffo的一封信(日期为1650年3月16日)中提到了这幅画,这幅画已经完成但尚未干燥(见T.H. Fokker,墨西拿的Galleria Ruffo nel secolo XVII,con lettere di pittori ed altri documenti inediti,Bolletino d' Arte,第十卷,1916年,第98页。博物馆的绘画特点是简单的轮廓,通过备用的洗涤实现的微妙人物建模,以及头发上的粗笔和墨水线条,这是 1630 年代的典型特征。人物头部和眼窝模糊区域的阴影是通过更集中地使用笔和墨水来实现的。对周围细节的关注很少,人物的前景是备用的水洗和平行阴影线,这也是他早期风格的典型使用。景观的经济表达,归功于Annibale Carracci的景观研究,也将这幅画与Guercino的早年联系起来。 将这种人物处理与简单景观元素相结合的绘画是《两个仙女和一个色狼》,这是一项可追溯到 1620 年代的研究(伦敦,考陶尔德研究所画廊,威特收藏,第 1346 号)。与 1630 年代的造型和剪影处理类似的签名笔和水洗画是基督向圣特蕾莎显现和云中的三个普蒂(温莎皇家图书馆,分别第 2782 号和第 2805 号)两部笔墨研究与画作《基督向圣特蕾莎显现》(1634 年)(普罗旺斯地区艾克斯,博物馆)。虽然是对一个穿着衣服的人物的研究,但笔墨红衣主教贝纳迪诺·斯帕达的肖像(哈勒姆,泰勒博物馆,编号H 103)可追溯到1631年,揭示了非常相似的处理方式。
介绍(英)A naked shepherd slumbers for eternity in the moonlit landscape, his staff discarded at his side, his cloak gathered beneath his arms as a pillow. Perpetually young and handsome, Endymion is beloved by the moon goddess Selene-whose presence here is suggested by the waning crescent in the sky. The largely self-trained Bolognese artist Guercino (whose nickname means "squinty-eyed" in Italian) made this drawing in about 1650, at the height of his artistic maturity. He sketched the scene with characteristic energy, in sinuous lines of dark brown ink softened at the edges with fluent washes that shine against the white surface of the sheet.

Sir Denis Mahon (see here "References": Mahon 1967, p. 8) first considered this drawing to be a study for the now lost picture of Endymion in full length painted for Don Antonio Ruffo of Messina. The payments for this picture are recorded in a document of March 1650 (as published by Giampetrino Zanotti in Carlo Cesare Malvasia, Felsina pittrice, Vite de'pittori bolognesi, Bologna, 1841, vol. II, p. 331: Under the year 1650 - " Il dì 2 Marzo. / Dal Sig. Pietro Antonio Davìa si è ricevuto ducatoni N. 100 per parte del Sig. D. Antonio Ruffo da Messina, per pagamento dell' Endimione figura intera, e questi fanno lir. 500 e le monete furono dobloni N.17 che fanno dobble d'Italia N. 34 che sono lir. 503. 4 con il costo della cassetta, e subbio -- scudi 125 lire 3.4."). In all, Guercino's "Libro de' conti" (account book) records the painting of five pictures with Endymion as a subject, including the Davia picture over a period of fourteen years. Four of these specifically describe half-figures. The payments are recorded in Guercino's Libro dei conti in December 1644, September 1647, November 1657 and May 1658 (See Malvasia in Zanotti, 1841, pps. 325, 328, 338, and 338, respectively).

Only the picture executed for Don Antonio Ruffo depicted the sleeping Endymion in full length (see op. cit., p. 331, March 2, 1650). Guercino himself mentions this picture in a letter to Don Antonio Ruffo (dated March 16, 1650) as completed but not yet dry (see T.H. Fokker, Galleria Ruffo nel secolo XVII in Messina, con lettere di pittori ed altri documenti inediti, in Bolletino d' Arte, vol X, 1916, p. 98.) The museum's drawing is characterized by a simple outline, subtle figure modeling achieved with spare touches of wash, and thick pen and ink lines in the hair, as is typical of the 1630s. Shadows in obscured areas of the figure's head and eye sockets are achieved through a more concentrated application of pen and ink. Attention to surrounding details is minimal and the figure is foregrounded by spare layers of wash and parallel hatching, the use of which is also typical of his earlier style. The economic articulation of the landscape, indebted to Annibale Carracci's landscape studies, also ties this drawing to Guercino's earlier years. A drawing that combines this figure treatment with simple landscape elements is Two Nymphs and a Satyr, a study dated to the 1620s (London, Courtauld Institute Galleries, Witt Collection, inv. no. 1346). Autograph pen and wash drawings with a similar treatment of modeling and silhouette datable to the 1630s are Christ Appearing to Saint Theresa and Three Putti Amongst Clouds (both Royal Library, Windsor, inv. nos. 2782 and 2805, respectively) two pen and ink studies related to the painting Christ Appearing to Saint Theresa (1634) (Aix-en-Provence, Musee). Although a study for a clothed figure, the pen and ink Portrait of Cardinal Bernardino Spada (Haarlem, Teylers Museum, inv. no. H 103) datable to 1631, reveals a very similar treatment.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。